Friday, Sept 6, 1935

Papa & Rose went out digging potatoes; stoped [sic] at Henry’s. Bert canned qt. pickles & ½ tomatoes. Papa hauled load wheat to Red Bud got 77¢, that is the fourth load from Hecker wheat. Bert Thompson sold his farm to Minor from Belleville; Al. Eckert Niede Rausch, Jul Rausch, are going to Waterloo High School, Fredrick Fritsche to New Athens, & Beata Stiffler to Red Bud, lots of high school students.

Sunday, May 12, 1935

Went to Red Bud, the preist [sic] gave the young boys & girls a real lecture sermon, because the boy’s aren’t behaving, AC Buchon L. Ratz & Hartmann were all put in jail this week. It rained, thunder lightened [sic], awful this afternoon, about 3 o’clock. Lena Meng went screaming up the street, said lightening had struck there barn, & on fire she couldn’t get central to answer, had to walk up town, but the fire department couldn’t save it anymore only the house & other building. they protected; looked terrible, burned completely to the ground, good wagon, corn, hay, 3 horses & colt, Werner Kammler’s mare & colt, Bert Tomphsons jack, & horse, one they saved; people that came, in & out; came from all over. Clifford came this evening, he is working by Waterloo now $25 mo. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, & we all went to the fish fry & dance, given by Fire Co. at Manier’s; very large crowd, & the park was muddy, they hauled 2 loads saw dust, around the bar, lot a people got stuck; one guy was front wheels, all way down; park is all a mess with deep tracks; We came home, about 12:30 & started in raining, windy again, papa wanted to go over to Meng’s again, so we went as far as Rennecker, they said was no use going over, so we stayed there a little. the fire engine came again & put water on again, put it all out; we came back, went to bed was about 2:30.

Thursday, April 25, 1935

Papa is fixing fence again, will soon be finished now. The Y.P.L. of Hecker, are giving a play intitled [sic], “Gates to Happiness” tonite at Kammler’s Hall; Adm. 35¢ dancing after play. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went up, but it wasn’t so nice, no pep at all; Characters were: Hy. Spalt, Clarence & Ralph Rausch, Harold Wagner, Floyd Thompson: Carol Papbenberg, Vernice Rausch, Marjorie Rausch, Mrs. Arthur Hepp, Alsace Eckert. The hall was crowded. Irene Reheis, furnished musci [sic]. Rev. Hasto painted the backgrounds, furniture came from N. Athens. Papa took load wheat to Red Bud, 90¢, got sack chic mash. Mrs. Gambach & daughter have a new 1935 model Chev Sedan; today. There were gypsies at J. Kaltwasser’s today, ransacked the place, took coffee & bread.

Monday, April 22, 1935

We washed, ironed, patched. Christ Buehler came, got the rest of his chick coops. Chas. Helfrich was here, said he was getting the relief check, now for feed, & it would come in pap’s name, in about 2 weeks, would amount to $16.00. Henry came up, went to Meng’s. Bert Thompson came over with him. Mr. & Mrs. Alf. May were here about 3 hrs; brought Interest for Uncle Fred. Mr. Emil Schaefer & guy that bought the drill, came & got it this afternoon, Schaefer came to look at the binder, they are neighbors, near Foster Pond; the rabbit brought him a little baby boy; Them 2 & May looked at the colt. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, set out cabbage plants 80, we helped. Papa went out to Henry’s this morning, Gus Blackburn is having posts cut for tiles for railroad, & those guys are hauling them out past Ettlings House, some system. We sprayed fruit trees again today. Ambrose Doyle’s baby boy is in Hospital, had 8 lbs. pus taken out from the lungs & rib taken out, to get it out, & the child is getting along fine now, 22 mos. old; doctor had said, it would have died if they didn’t take out the pus, its awful. Mrs. Hy. Miller, has awful trouble to with swallowing, kind of a sickness they claim, goes from one to the other. All the company we had today, it certainly was Easter Mon. Eggs 20¢.

Monday, April 8, 1935

Aunt Lizzie’s birthday & Louis Birkner buried a yr. ago. Cloudy & cold this morn; we didn’t wash, quilted all day. Chas Helfrich came up this morn, wasn’t satisfied with the deal they made yesterday, wanted more cash, so papa split the difference & paid him $5.50 & made him a present of 50¢ & seed ½ bu; called it straight with the other load hay; so it is all settled now, sometime Ha- Papa went over to Meng’s with the mare. Bert Thompson & Ed Meng came & looked at our colt; thought it surely is a dandy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she helped to quilt & Uncle went to Red Bud. Eggs are 20¢ today, wheat 85¢. There was a man here from Campaign [sic] Co. wanted to buy clover seed, he took samples along, they have no grown clover seed there & wanted to get a start.

Wednesday, May 30, 1934

Memorial Day. The Hecker Y.P.L. having outing today Corveur Lake, Mo. Yesterday the children & sisters of Catholic School had there outing at Fort Chartres. Klein’s, Griffin’s, Braun’s, trucks & I. Helfrich’s car. Bert Thompson & Ed. Meng came to take a look at the barn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at the school pinic [sic] in Waterloo, this afternoon, came up here this eve. went to the dance at Oak Grove, Leona brought the kids up to stay with papa, & we went along with them to Oak Grove, free dance, musci [sic] by Jolly Six, Schmidts – Oh! Boy! Crowd. Clara Wagner & the kids came over awhile this evening; Rosalia & Berti went to Red Bud after chick mash. A man here bought 7 doz. eggs @ 12¢. There were niggers at Henry’s today.

Sunday, May 13, 1934

The Sunday School children & parents have basket pinic [sic] at school grounds today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, then we went out to the cemetery, see Mr. Scheinder, went over to Uncle Freds for dinner. It started to rain, we went home. Mr. Edler came there to see him. Clarence Weigand has a barn dance tonite, 70×30 floor, Rheinhardts musci [sic]. Uncle Adam & Emil stop on there way home, to see if we was going to work at the barn tomorrow; he told us that someone drove over Bert Thompsons heifer on the road, knock it over, but it got up again, but weak; the car didn’t stop; he also told us of a politician meeting in Kammler’s Hall last nite, keg beer treated we knew nothing about it.

Tuesday, June 14, 1932

We picked beans for the first time this year, for dinner. Henry & family for here for dinner & lunch, he cut wheat till about 3:30 & started to get black & real windy, it looked awful, had a little rain. Bert Thompson gave us an invitation for a birthday dance in Weber’s barn, it is Mr. Weber’s birthday, but it turned out to be a bad night, rain; so we didn’t go. George Wagner came over here a little while this evening.

Wednesday, April 6, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are planting potatoes up here today. Papa is setting posts. Uncle Fred got our mule to work his patch up for corn. Catherine Perry from St. Louis got married yesterday. We got a letter from the Ill. State Auto Ass. the cards, & stickers for the car. Jo. Huber, & Walter Heyl where relected [sic] for road commisioner [sic] & clerk. against Geo. Lohrberg & Albert Thompsons for Poll 1 Monroe Co. & Melching the way we heard for the Blackjack & out that way.


Thursday, March 24, 1932

This morning we went to church, communion at 8 oclock, & mass at 9 o clock. We had dinner over at Uncle Freds. This afternoon Bert Thompson brought 2 colts & got 3 hogs, even up trade. This afternoon we went to Mrs. Dugan to see if she would buy our eggs, but she had plenty, so we took them to Waterloo to Krogers got 10¢, had 51 doz. eggs, then papa & Gus Geodelle went out to Henry Ambrecht west of Waterloo & looked at a mule, seen him work, then tonight Henry took the buggy & went after him, we came home & papa & Uncle Fred went back to Henry Ambrecht again got 2 hogs & mule for $35.00. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper with us, we took Uncle Freds car & went out to Henry’s, Bobby’s birthday 6 year. old. cake, lemonade served. Rosalia got a letter from Rosie Meuth inviting us all to come to Oak Grove Mar. 30, for her wedding dance, Osie Matzenbacher. We went to church in Waterloo awhile this afternoon, till papa got back. Ella Stalheber was here but we weren’t at home.