Tuesday, March 22, 1932

Henry & Emil got 2 loads of hay what the wind blew yesterday. Bert Thompson was here wanted to trade his colt, for our pigs. It is called of now. I seen in the paper that a tornado swiped 4 states, Albama [sic – Alabama] 193 dead & 700 injured, & Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina.

Friday, March 18, 1932

It is nice an warm again today. Papa went down to Bert Thompson to see if could make a trade, & then he went to Smithon, to Stell’s farm to see a heifer. Albert Cleveland’s family, Emil & Loui Armstutz where here playing cards this eve. The men played solo & we & rest played pinochle, Grover & Bertille partner, we won 5 games. Bertille had 1500 trump diamonds, & one time 800 kings & 300 pinochle & 100 aces. Rosalia had 1500 spades, pretty good luck. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile, till church time, then went there & then home, they was afraid of there road. It rained awhile, but after ward’s clear off this evening.

Monday, Feb. 29, 1932

Papa went out to help Henry sewed oats, 29 bus. they sewed, he was there for dinner. We washed, ironed, patched, planted 2 lbs. onion sets, radishes, peas & lettuce, made garden. Albert Tomphson was here this evening & got 25 doz. eggs at 16¢ to set, he took it out to Geo. Roths & getting them hatched. Bertille took some flowers up to Mamie for her to plant out.

Saturday, Feb. 27, 1932

Bert Thompson was here & looked at our sows again. Papa got crushing done this morning, this afternoon he went to the woods to mark the trees what Ettling should take for posts & then he went down below Waterloo to a sale, bought 45¢ iron & boxes, single trees & such like. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here & then they went to visit Mike Armstutz’s. They stayed up in Hecker.

Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1932

We went to Belleville with 46 doz. eggs this morning, sold some at 16¢ & 14 & 12¢. Bert Tomphson was here at noon. Miss Armenia Pinkel 30 of Waterloo was killed Sunday afternoon in an automobile accident & her parents Mr. & Mrs. Armin Pinkel retired store keeper was badly injured, but will recover, they where going to Long Beach California to spent sometime with the daughter there, on about 2 mon’s visit, the car ran of the road at Yuma Arizonia [sic – Arizona]. That is what the Belleville paper says.

Sunday, Jan. 24, 1932

Went to Red Bud church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner & supper. Josie Keller is spending today & tomorrow in Hecker visiting friends. Aunt Mary went to the mission service this afternoon. Henry & family where here this evening playing 5 hand pinochle. Bert Tomphson was here to look at our pigs. Leona said Eliza Freund & Kruse where published for first time this morn. & Pearl Geodell second & Slyvanus Schroeder last time.

Monday, Nov. 24, 1930

Rosalia went to church this morning & then Papa & her went to Belleville with the eggs & turkey.  Henry bought one of them pigs, what Papa brought along last Sat. for $4.00.  It is snowing this morning.  We heard this morn. that Albert Thompson had a little baby born dead, they tolled the bell yesterday morning, & it was buried Sunday.  Eggs are .40-.38¢ a doz.  We got .25¢ a lb. for our turkey in Belleville.  We got some skimmed milk this afternoon for the pigs & the cat for .2¢ a gal.

Saturday, March 1, 1930

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon.  Papa and Henry are going to James Cody’s sale and Rosalia is going to stay by Leona.  Bertille stayed at home.  Today is Irv Rapp’s birthday.  There is to be a party, but we were not invited.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are going down to Red Bud this afternoon.  It is also Christ. Buehler’s birthday.  Lester Gregson moved on the Thompson place last Wednesday.  He intends to haul milk.  He wants to buy Griffin’s route, the one Elmer Lother drives.  If he got the route he was to start today.  Bertille took 3 dozen eggs to Eichenseers this afternoon and got .21¢ a dozen.  Mamie & Angela Eichenseer are coming down tonite to keep Bertille company.  We found 20 eggs.