We washed, ironed, & what a day terrible windy & cold, my! clothes freezing stiff on the line, imagine, sun shining. Papa went up town with the eggs; got 21¢. They say there was ice 6 in. last night. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he spaded his garden, she helped us quilt, Mrs. Rennecker also came over, on a visit, & helped to quilt, so we finished it & took it out of the frames; sure pretty. Cotton Reifscheinder of Belleville, delivered our 2 heifers for $28.00 this afternoon; Papa went to Red Bud to Zipfel & got chic & laying mash. Uncle & Aunt & Rennecker had lunch here; eggs this afternoon 20¢. Mrs. Euler is over in E. St. Louis at St. Mary’s Hospital, she had a tooth pulled, & it never grew shut, must be some kind of a growth or cancer in her mouth, taken there last week, she had extry [sic – x-ray] taken at Red Bud, but they can’t do nothing for her. Mr. Eugene Bruns was removed home Sat, from Belleville hospital & is getting along fairly well. Jonny Henkel bought a seperator [sic], going out threshing this season with tractor. At the School Election, Sat out there Gus Blackburn, was elected director with 14 votes, Fred Reheis 1 Emil 1 vote. Cleveland term was expired. Aunt Mary sent two Easter Greeting, one to Mrs. Ros Winters at Kentucky & told them they were planning on visiting them this summer & also Frank Jermings at Shumay [sic] Ill; I guess they surely will be surprised!
Thursday, July 26, 1934
No threshing this morning. Papa & Rose went to Waterloo load wheat. Sure was some awful hot days the last while; 110 & 112 in the shade, hottest & dryest [sic] year, in 32 & 36 yrs. ago. In Kansas, it must be terrible, stock all dying; 3700 cows & calf were brought to E. St. Louis Stockyards yesterday, some so weak & they shot them right away. People are dying from the heat, the paper says 510 so far, from different states, one place it rained so much that 28 acres bottom corn, all washed out. Dillinger the gangster was shot to death now, while coming out a theather [sic] Sun. night. Frank Dudenhoeffer’s of Oklahoma, nee Lizzie Mueth, are visiting relatives here, since last Friday, leaving Sun; We went out threshing, at Henry’s, had them for lunch; got 128 bus. oats our share. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also there; came home through town. Watermelon in town.
Wednesday, July 25, 1934
Joe Herzog has sale this afternoon, also one in Maeystown. Kouminity [sic] Pinic [sic] in Red Bud, tickets are raffled out. like last year. Henry was here for lunch, he brought the wagon up & we had Armstutz’s, hauled the wheat out. We all went out this afternoon, some were there for lunch & supper, it rained, the machine got there about 4 o’clock, so they threshed, 2 loads wheat & 1 oats. we got 25 bus. from the 2 loads. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary come this evening & we all went to Red Bud pinic [sic], Bertille won 50 lb. flour on little tickets; several others, Mary Braun, Mrs. L. Millman, Percy Starr, Martin Fahey, Wm. Harbaugh got cheese & butter, Percy Roscow won $20 cash; they had a calf & nice prizes. The wrestling match was L. Cowell & boy from Belleville the latter won.
Thursday, July 19, 1934
Baked doughnuts. Dug bucket potatoes. Awful hot. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, they were helping Papenberg’s thresh tomorrow at Walter Wittenauer’s I guess. Henry & family came, the men folks all went with him out to George Cortner’s to look at a horse. Hy. Gruber was buried this afternoon at Waterloo. Wagner’s Undertaker, 16 cars in all with Rev. Kochheim.
Wednesday, July 18, 1934
A beautiful rainbow in the west this morning, thunder, looks awful like rain. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had dinner here. Mr. Wm. & Aug. Hempe came to paid notes of. Buehler’s threshed again this afternoon. Papa went to Hecker, went up to see Bill Gregson, looked at his horses, there are for sale. Went down to Chas. Helfrich, then drove out to Henry’s awhile. Mailed a letter to Chicago Mail Order for each pr. sleeves [?].
Monday, July 16, 1934
We washed, ironed. Awful hot again today. Buehler’s threshing this afternoon. Joe Schilling’s threshed oats today. Henry came & papa went along with him to Joe Herzog’s, to look at a team horses, that he has for sale; he is sick in bed, wants to move to town; sell out. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, it rained, thunder, & lighten [sic- lightning], pretty much. Eggs are 11¢ again. Irvin Buehler is home again from the hospital Sun. evening; he still has clamps on his head in the back, the doctor has to open that now, & take the book out of there; he has lost so much blood, the doctor had said, if it would have been 15 mins longer, they couldn’t have saved him anymore. Hy. Gruber, who just moved out to Al Gregson’s place from Waterloo, died about 4:30 this evening, in a chair, his wife went to feed the chicks, when she came back to him, he was just stretching out, he was sick awhile back, but last Thurs. was in town, visiting Hill’s. Wagner Undertaker got the corpse.
Saturday, July 14, 1934
Cool wind this morn. Sheutte by Waterloo died, the man, that Mrs. Sheutte insane, put poison in there food. A free dance at Donahue’s musci [sic] by Nite Hawks & a free wedding dance in Pautlers Hall, musci [sic] by Moonlighters tonite. This morning about 10:30 Irvin Buehler, 7 yr old son of Chris Buehler, was struck unconsious [sic], while playing with tires on the hard road, in front of Parker’s house, they were all there helping with threshing, the driver of the car, was Frank Schwartz of R.R.1 Belleville. Irvin was brought to Hecker to Dr. Eckert & then the ambulance was called & taken to Belleville hospital, where he is still the same, fractured head & back & wrenched leg. The car nearly hit Cletus to. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & papa went to Hyde sale in Red Bud, who lives in John Rennecker’s house, bought a few articles. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, left kids here, bought new shoes & dress. this evening took us along, kids stayed here, went to Pautler Pavillion, Kopp’s Wedding dance; pretty large crowd. Donahue’s was nothing some said. Boy! did Walter Reheis feel good!
Friday, July 13, 1934
Two & three years today of Hy Braun’s death & also Virgil Parkers, Papa & Rosalia hauled water from the cistern out for the pigs, in the barel [sic]. Water is getting pretty low, everywhere at present. Mrs. Rennecker was here awhile. Oscar Klotz finished his run today, pulled home.
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