Jos. Schilling pull his threshing outfit up to Ed Kreher’s today, & Oscar Klotz to Louis Voges. Osie Neff drives the engine what Phil Braun had last year; he isn’t going out. Jack Mueth runs it for Schilling’s run. Pete Kreher’s boy from St. Louis, is working for G. Schilling, driving bundle wagon. It is awful hot weather these day, yesterday 100 in shade. Mr. & Mrs. S. Hellmer wedding anniversary, also Arthur Meohrs. The paper says the new wheat in Monroe & St. Clair Cos, will be 80¢ bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Red Bud, got flour, brought papa pair tennis shoes along $1. Henry & family came this evening, got the mule, his horse gave out threshing today, at Pete Reheis, just fell down, is blooted [sic], they say. Eggs 11¢.
Wednesday, June 27, 1934
Rennecker & Agnes Gregson’s birthday; also 4 anniversary of Gambach Bros. death. Jos. Schilling is going to thresh this afternoon. Joe. Watchel’s machine starts to this afternoon, all getting about started, soon. The lightening struck one of Arm Geodelle’s wheat shocks yesterday, burned it all up. Marjorie Rausch is again home from the hospital. Rose & Bertille went to Waterloo took 8 bus. wheat along, got 79¢; bought 100 lbs. flour; soft wheat $3.05. stopped in at Henry’s, he is threshing by Reheis. They were at Uncle Pete’s last Sun. afternoon, Annie has a permanent wave, got it at Waterloo, also Jake’s wife. Henry got 50 barned Rock Chicks 3 weeks old from Monroe Hatchery, $7.00 a hundred. George Wagner came over awhile. We took our onions out today. Uncle Fred brought the mule home, then we took him home, stayed awhile, Ronnenberg came down there to telephone to Evansville, to tell Kissen’s that there boy is pretty sick, up here, he has it in his back, can’t hardly breathe sometimes.
Tuesday, June 26, 1934
We washed, ironed, patched, fixed wire fence. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening awhile, he cut his lawn etc. George Schilling started threshing, yesterday afternoon but cause it, rained they quit, so he is threshing this afternoon again, from there to John Reheis, & then all through back in there. Mueths left, went with Matzenbachers threshing outfit, this year. Mr. Rennecker was here.
Saturday, Aug. 19, 1933
Jung was here & paid his debts. A lady around selling vanilla, 3 bottles $1.00, we sent her of [sic – off]. Uncle Joe was here paid Rosalia for threshing $1.50. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Wm. Gregson’s sale, didn’t buy anything; big sale. Ralph Collier was to have his property sold, to but it wasn’t today, Uncle Pete is going to forclose [sic] the mortage [sic – mortgage]. Ralph’s wife is in St. Louis, she is suing him for divorce, it comes of in Sept. court.
Sunday, July 30, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, lunch. It is rather warm again today. We went early to church, had a blow out coming home close to Chas Helfrichs, changed tires & came on. Fred Papenberg got a new chev & Oscar Birkners a used Ford, all close cars. There must be some thieves around Hecker, Hugo Probst got $10 stolen, Wagners got all the ripe & green plums stolen. Lester Gregson moved from the Gambach place to his own that he bought on East Main St. & Mr. & Mrs. Willie Gregson moved in Gambach property. We had our first roasting ears corn for dinner. The pallbearers from Aunt Lizzie where, Emil Brand, Ben Schilling, Hy Eichelman, Edwin & Willie Reheis, Fred Wiegand. The Heyl’s relatives have basket pinic [sic] at the Round Prairie Park, in honor of Mrs. Kessler from Alba. The threshing crew of Oscar Klotz’s have chicken bouilion, at Sam Krehers woods. It is in the paper that Lavern Koerber 23 & Irene Neff 21 where married at Red Bud by Rev. Stern in Catholic parsonage, Mary Havey & Paul Neff where attendats; last Wed. Roller skates & bicycle riding is the latest in Hecker at present. Mr. Rettinhouse is very bad expecting to live only couple days. We have 2 qts tomatoes canned so far, Mrs. John Reheis has 28 qts. & ain’t near finished yet.
Sunday, July 23, 1933
We went to Red Bud, the Catholic will have pinic [sic] & chicken supper, Aug. 8. Hecker ball team played Douglas last Sun. here & won 7 to 5, & today are playing up at Belleville, & lost 24 to 2. Mrs. Cleveland’s is celebrating her birthday today, her mother came along back with here from Centralia. Ruth Braun was here selling chances for the pinic here in Hecker on Aug. 12; we took one. Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile, till they got company. Katie came. It sure rained nice here; some places they can thresh like by Pour’s.
Thursday, July 20, 1933
We all when out to Henry they Threshed we were there for dinner. The boys came along home tonight. we were over at Wagner’s.
[ed. note: This entry is written in different handwriting. Believe it is written by Rosalia.]
Sunday, July 16, 1933
We went to church, nice, cool day, turner pinic [sic] at Smithon [sic]. Uncle Joe was here, wanted to pay Rosalia for threshing, but neither new what they take; so he is going to wait awhile. We sold 11 doz. eggs 12¢. Mr. & Mrs. Zimmer, & Mrs. Vogel & Rose, where looking at Aunt Mary’s house, they are going to rent 3 rooms, that is the Mrs. & Rose the teacher for McQuillian School; $6.00 mo. house & garage. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch, then we all went to Turner Pinic [sic] at Smithon [sic]; this evening, cool nights here later.
Saturday, July 15, 1933
Pap & Rosalia, Robert came out to Henry’s this eve, brought ice along, & we had ice cream, took Bert along back home again. It rained Friday night Henry didn’t go threshing at Biffar’s today. Wagner kids where here playing with Robert. Pinic [sic] at Red Bud.
Friday, July 14, 1933
Rosalia went up to Mueths & finished threshing, & Bertille stayed at Henry’s again, all night & Sat. all day. Rosalia had dinner there today; by Henry’s, Papa took Uncle Freds, horse & mule out there, he was there for dinner, they where up in evening. Robert went along home with Rosalia until Sat. night. Wheat is now $1.00 bu.
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