Awful hot today. Canned plums made perserve [sic]. Eggs 16¢ down again. Werner Kammler is threshing today at Meng’s.
Monday, July 12, 1937
Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. Pap went to Red Bud to get lumber to fix a place in garage to put in wheat when we thresh. People started in threshing this afternoon, to wet this morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came to get sugar. Hy. Armstutz brought sack feed. Vonderhede boy’s of Red Bud were here selling chances on a painted tablecloth, 10¢ chance for his mother. Uncle Fred took a chance.
Wednesday, July 7, 1937
Went threshing at Leo’s, for lunch, dinner lunch & got 724 bus. from 36 acres; sure good. Leona & boys Mrs. Orlet & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were all helping there. sure warm. Mr. Orlet had Frank Klein to haul two loads wheat for him, got $1.19 at Freeburg, brought coal along for Leo. Hy. brought sack pig feed down. Schilling threshing at Reheis.
Tuesday, July 6, 1937
Baked cookies, cake; cleaned chicken house took onions out; canned 2 qts beets. Everybody starts threshing this afternoon, all outfits. Went to Leo’s this afternoon helped bake cake & pie shells for threshing tomorrow. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came. Leo & Rose came after truck to get more coal left car here; takes so much coal this year.
Saturday, July 3, 1937
Beautiful day. little cloudy. Nic Hess started threshing today; that is Joe. Schillings, both threshing same time, like always. Henry is helping at Geo.. Our cistern is nearly dry, time for rain. Lot of cars out for holiday; tomorrow & Mon. Bert [Bertille] baked apple pie. Geo. Wagners came over awhile this eve.; Lightening & thunder tonite.
Friday, July 2, 1937
Uncle Matt stopped and boy’s, wanted to see pap about cutting trees in the woods, some people cut in his, & he was satisfied, thought maybe he wanted to let them cut in ours to. Rosalia came wanted pap help make hay. We went this morn. had dinner, lunch & supper. Mr. Orlet & Isd. came yet had lots help. Geo. Schilling started threshing this afternoon. We got card was invited to Red Bud to installation of new pastor Fr. Spors, Wed. eve. & Thurs. eve, got card to late, was all over already.
Monday, July 13, 1936
We washed, ironed. So hot, we patched in basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he dug his potatoes across the street; they stopped in again this evening went to Adam Eckerts threshing; had them for supper; our radio didn’t work.
Friday, July 10, 1936
Threshing all day, here for lunch got 218 bus. together wheat (wheat here 72 for 3) & all day out there till 4:30 got (738)1/3 246 share) bus. oats. Boy! some heat. Margaret Mary Myerscough youngest daughter of John Myerscough got the name Sister Mary Angelita. Hy Spalts got baby boy Wed. morn. also Eberhardts nee Katie Keorber last month.
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