Mr. Jim Parker is being buried this morning but none of us can go, we have to go to Henry’s threshing, oats; the grandsons were pallbearers; 3 of Geo Parker’s, & Paul & Clyde Pautler & Hy. Birkner; the daughter, Sister Amada was also home; came Thurs.; it was an awful large funeral. Henry had threshers for dinner & lunch, & supper; moved here about 4 o’clock. Klotz & Watchel machine threshed this & Geo. Schilling moved onto Blackburn’s. Henry threshed altogether 1108 bus; 394 bus. here & 714 out there, highest oats threshed so far; we got for our share 369 bus. Pabsts bought oats 47 bus.
Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1935
Baked bread, had chicken dressing. Papa took lawn mower to Fritsche to get it repaired. Evansville church, & Tipton church have pinics [sic] today; & chicken suppers. Loyd Pabst came got sacks, threshing oats today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Belleville came back here for dinner had chicken. Sure is hot this afternoon & day. Mrs. Emma Altis of St. Louis Mo. died, be buried tomorrow afternoon, she was a Freese, Uncle Fred niece; & Mr. Jim Parker 85 died last nite at 5:30; be buried Fri. morning at Hecker Church & cemetery. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to the wake, he looks natural. Koch undertaker, he would be 86 in Sept. Aunt Mary brought plums.
Friday, Aug. 2, 1935
Billy [Willis] 2 yr. birthday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, stopped on their way to Adam Eckert’s threshing. Nice cool this morning. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s, look at the wheat; Leona hauled some of got 81¢ at Waterloo, it is 86¢. The boss timber man was here. Clerk Al Gaven got a 13 lb. ham, 35¢ this afternoon. At the prize dance at Oak Grove last Sat. night Jim Tobin & Leona Vogt won the prize waltz $2.50 & all a fox trot prize of $2.50 was won by Eugene Flym of Burskville & girl of Evansville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here from threshing. We went out to Henry’s. Billy’s birthday, took 10¢ ice along & made 1½ ice cream; us & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were the only ones there.
Tuesday, July 30, 1935
Threshing here today, had some for dinner; Eugene & outfit got here at 1:15, & threshed till 6:30, Kemp & Scheinder they laid out, some guys; it was awful hot, had lunch & supper. didn’t get finished, threshed out 300 bus. The timber cutting boss came paid the check for $100.42, 2955 ft. they cut this week.
Monday, July 29, 1935
We washed, ironed, baked etc. Went out to Henry’s getting ready for threshing. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up. Papa went down to Pabsts threshing we got 57 bus. there. So hot. Ed Coop’s have a baby boy. There were 2 motor cycles in town last night laying of some stunts, riding standing up, selling chances on! Agnes Parker took a ride, there were strange fellows. Pete Watchel town marshall, send them out of town, to dangerous.
Saturday, July 27, 1935
We canned 12 qts peaches this morning, went to Belleville this afternoon. Buehler’s are threshing again, awful warm. We went to Pautlers tonite, Osie & Bill Matzenbacher’s birthday dance, nice crowd, Moonlighter Orc. Adm. gents 25 ladies free.
Wednesday, July 24, 1935
Chicken dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had lunch here. Him & papa went to Waterloo; papa took his watch to Bersche’s, it is broke; got Rose white shoes repaired. Rain heavy this evening, about 8 o’clock, thundered; no threshing it is awful.
Monday, July 22, 1935
We washed, ironed, rain all afternoon, no threshing. Hy. Bruns was here, papa paid him $1.90 for hauling clover seed 19 sacks @10¢. Ed & Emery Kreher & Jake Neff was here. Emery is looking for a horse; he just lost one. Berti took the yeast over to Wagner’s & she gave us cucumbers to eat; to make salad. Sure good. Eggs 19¢.
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