Finished painting garage. Henry is sick, in bed since yesterday, has fever. Papa took the Whip. to Probst garage had it looked over. Bernice got 1 doz. eggs, brought the yeast back. Chris Buehler is threshing today. Ed Pabst threshed this afternoon, papa went down at 3:30, they threshed few loads bushels on our land, then it rained, had to quite [sic -quit] for today, pretty nice shower, steady rain, at Belleville, it rained so heavy that wheat shocks were lying on hard road, & Joe Schillings run they had no rain at all; sure is funny. We went to the triple free birthday dance at Donahue’s, Erna Braun 19, Mildred Feherens & Bill Donahue, large crowd Ellis band & didn’t come till 9:30, some orchestra.
Friday, July 19, 1935
Cleaned house, & painting. Baked bread etc. Uncle Fred came took onions out; then went to Frank Birkner’s threshing, Aunt Mary was helping there. Clara Wagner & kids came & got our yeast; they brought a glass cooked cheese yesterday, sure is good. Papa was helping Vic Eichenseer fixed the pump out at Henry’s took nearly all day well pump was just about done; put everything new on it. R. Schmidt tinner of Waterloo is in Red Bud hospital with pneoumina [sic]. Miss Mathilda Schilling bought new chev. coupe. The carnival at the Country Club started this evening, stunts diving etc, band concert, dance.
Thursday, July 18, 1935
Cleaned chicken houses, painting. Uncle Fred was up in Hecker getting things for Oscar’s threshing, & came here & got our sledge hammer. Meng’s threshing this morning, moved in last night. Cloudy & light sprinkle this evening; but all cleared off again.
Wednesday, July 17, 1935
Baked bread; painting etc. Cleaned basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here from Hy. Birkner’s threshing & had dinner here, he went along with papa in the woods, to see what kind of a job those guys are making in Uncle Matts woods; after dinner they left for Oscar Birkner’s threshing, for supper. The boss of the wood workers came by this afternoon papa went out & showed them where to work in our woods. Uncle Fred’s got his chev. just a year today. Pour’s called babies Leo & Louis.
Monday, July 15, 1935
We washed, ironed. Papa went out to Henry’s set up schocks [sic]. Robert came along & helped to, had dinner & lunch. Then we all went blackberry picking, got about 3 gals. gave them some & also Aunt Mary, we canned 2 qts & made jelly. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, she had her dress by Minnie & got something fixed over on it. Isd. Helfrich brought the coal for threshing had 58 bus. half here & the other out there. Our little pussies died papa buried them this morn. Eggs 19¢.
Saturday, July 13, 1935
Papa went up & got Osie Neff to look at the place, were he wanted him to set the engine for threshing, he then went out to Henry’s; worked the mares, work fine, wagon, corn cultivator etc. had lunch out there. We went to Belleville & home by Millsdadt [sic], Waterloo & Red Bud, to see several parties on business. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, stopped a little while, & went to Praire [sic] Du Rocher to Jennette Ronnenberg’s & Fink wedding dance. We went to a free dance at Oak Grove, & nice crowd, Blossom City Boys playing. Oliver Pour has a new car chev.
Friday, July 12, 1935
Baked bread, cookies, cake. Rain all day, no threshing. Henry & family came this evening. Joe Sommers have a little baby girl, has now 4 girls. Papa went fishing in our pond, caught 9, Boy! fish supper.
Thursday, July 11, 1935
Selling apples, 80¢ bu. a guy here, we didn’t take none. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, finished lawning there place. John Reheis is threshing now. Aunt Mary got a card from Jennette Ronnenberg to come to her wedding dance Sat. nite at Praire [sic] Du Rocher don’t say to whom; she should tell Oscar & Larry, A. Rittmeyers, & us.
Tuesday, July 9, 1935
Baked bread. Papa went to Waterloo to get tires for the Whippet. 2 $21.67 – 6 ply. We went to Belleville this afternoon; pretty warm again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, threshing machines started in today. Joe Schilling & George Schaefer’s, Grossheins all threshing. Eggs 19¢.
Monday, July 8, 1935
We washed, ironed, nice day. Papa went out to Henry’s hitch the team together; then set up shacks. Robert came along & helped up here had dinner, & set up some more this afternoon. Joe Schilling threshing a load, this afternoon, tried it out, ready to start. A man here selling apples. Berniece came selling chances for a quilt given by Sunday school for the pinic [sic] on Aug. 11. 5¢ chance. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up towards evening.
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