Heavy fog today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went home after breakfast this morn. Emil came over to pay the rent to them before they left. We went to mass at Paderborn, of Fr. Teoonine [sic – Toennies], church was filled; & so many priests, all had lunch in hall and at 12:15 was going to leave, burial at Germantown; had honorable & pallbearers. Uncle Fred left there car set at Neff’s lane & walked home the rest of way. Rob & Alice Laut came this eve. we played 7 games pinochle. Pierre was by Osie Neff’s, Myrtle birthday celebration; played games etc. Walter Wittnauer was here with his books again on land.
Sunday, Dec. 26, 1937
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up, went along with us to Leo’s, had dinner & supper there, they drove out with there car opened track & we went out after them some mud. Fr. Teonnies died, going to bring him out to Paderborn this afternoon at house till tomorrow afternoon 3 o clock, take him over to church, funeral Tues. Morn. 9:30 buried at Germantown, they have church at Paderborn to nite devotions by there assistant Fr. Brandmeyer. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed in Hecker over nite, played cards, stayed in there house & slept over nite to much mud on the roads.
Monday, April 5, 1937
Raining all day again. Leo Hermann of Columbia was here looked at mule. Man around we ordered Extension Magazine again $3. & took rosary as a premium. We went to Paderborn confirmation, 21 got confirmed, priests present were Fr. Aydt, Janson, Greuenwald, Waterloo assistant, Bishcoff & Toenniers. Bert stood as sponsor for Thresa [sic] Cortner. Eggs 20¢ at present. Mrs. Wilmer Kaiser won $1 at New Athens, why does a hen lay eggs, because, A hen lays eggs to reproduce more of her own kind. It was provided thus by nature as a means of reproduction, we got the letter from Geiger’s today, on the winners of all the quilts etc.
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