Pap harrowed for Chris Buehler, in our field. Mr. Emil Geodelle plaster of Waterloo fixed the front room ceiling, finished at Kemps to. Pap & Rose went to Belleville, he got 3 teeth pulled, at Dr. Wagners. Omer & Bertie went to St. Louis to Emil’s, seen the Veil[ed] Prophet parade, was real nice, had 20 floats, different states & bands etc. It rained this afternoon. Hecker Catholics had euchre party tonite in school hall, 26 tables; quite few from other place they say.
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1936
Filed Under: 1936, October Tagged With: Anton, Belleville, Buehler, card_games, Catholic, dentist, Euchre, Geodelle, Goeddel, Hecker, Kemp, repairs, Rosalia, Schilling, St._Augustine _Church, St._Louis, tooth_extraction, tooth_pulled, Veiled_Prophet, Veiled_Prophet_Organization, Veiled_Prophet_Parade, Wagner, Waterloo
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