Monday, June 8, 1931

We all went working in the truck patch this morn.  Hy. Armstutz came there a while.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to pick cherry’s – we helped to clean them, she gave us 2 qts & a pt. she still had 9 qts. for herself yet.  This evening we helped them work in there popcorn patch.  The Farm Bureau has a moving picture show in Pautler’s farm tonight.

Thursday, May 28, 1931

This morning we finished our truck patch for this week, then Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & then we went to Belleville all day.  We ordered our Belleville Paper, that the lady took us through the printing shop.  We all got weighed, Aunt Mary 168 lbs., Uncle Fred 152, Papa 165, Rosalia, 149, Bertille 112.  Today is Frances Kern’s birthday.  Joseph Huber Jr. has purchased a Chrysler.  Last Thurs. night Edwin Wachtel gave a dance at the brick House.  Rev. Fr. Odillo Eichenseer off Chicago spent a day last Sat. with Anton Eichenseer,  & Sun. at Ruma he celebrated his 25th yr. priest, the relation where all present, & they had served dinner in the Hall for 200 people.  Mrs. Charles Rausch of Belleville sold her farm where Ed. Schinder lives on, a lake will be made on the farm.  Red Bud ball team played with Hecker on there grounds here, & defeated them by a score of 2 to 1.  Smithton Jr. team played Hecker Jr. team here Sun. the score was 10 to 9 in favor of Smithton.  Frances Schilling was home last Sun. visiting parents.  George Neff is on the sick list, he is my Osie’s [? last word unclear].  Ed. Parker’s barn is nearly finished now, it costs between $3 & $4,000.  John Roth sold some of his land to George Roth is son.

Wednesday, May 27, 1931

We all went to the truck patch this morning.  This afternoon we went out to Henry’s, had lunch there, Papa & Emil helped with the hay.  This evening, Henry & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & all of us went to Roy Stauenbiel’s on a visit, Roy had to go to Hecker for a while, but he was back before we left, & that was 12:30.  Leona cut our hair today.

Monday, May 25, 1931

It sure did rain last night & this morning yet too.  Papa went to Hecker this morn. & he also went down & looked at our truck patch.  We had chicken pie for dinner today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, on there way to Red Bud to a church Picnic there.  Papa & Rosalia went out & cleaned the cemetery, & planted some flowers out too.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped went they came back from the picnic, they had there chicken supper there.  Eggs are 13¢.  We sold 25 lbs. springers @ 24¢ a lb. $6.00.

Monday, May 18, 1931

Today is wash & iron day.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch this afternoon.  Papa went out to help Henry make hay.  Emil was also helping.  Rosalia Bertille planted tomato plants in our truck patch this evening, we now have 119 down there.  Hy. Armstutz was here & got some watermelon seeds that Aunt Mary brought here.  He told us about the show people Jackson’s, they must of had a time this morning when they left.  The [racial slur omitted] Jake & the Dr.  Jake said he made his own medicine, so I guess that means he is a fake doctor, Jake said he would get him arrested this morning yet, he wait till he would get to Granite City.  We heard one night he took $67.00.  Thats quite a lot.

Friday, May 15, 1931

Papa & Rosalia went down to the truck patch this morning, & this afternoon went out to Henry’s to get a load of oats.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up again this afternoon to work there potatoes.  They where here for lunch.  Mr & Mrs. Louis Birkner where by them today.  We planted our cabbage & tomato plants out this evening.  We all went to the show, we took the car, we could see nice from there.  The [racial slur omitted] Jake gave Ed. Koehlers boy a 50¢, him & Walter Braun, each had a pan of bread & milk, they had to feed one another with the spoon, the one that ’emptied’ the bowl first was the winner.  Emmy Eckert received the blanket.  The name of there play was The “Doctor’s Shop.”

Wednesday, May 13, 1931

For once we got a real nice day again.  Mrs. Dan Mendal, the barbers wife died & is being buried this morning at Waterloo.  Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning.  We went down in the truck patch this afternoon.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for supper.  They bought a piece of beef & then we had a good supper.  We all then went to the show, & always a crowd.  There play was Mr. & Mrs. Brown.  There is a dance at the Brick House tonight given by the Horse Creek Ramblers, lots of people went there after the show.  Eggs are 12¢.

Saturday, May 9, 1931

I seen in the paper that Fritzie Boo had his leg taken off now, & is getting along nicely.  Martin Schilling’s have a little baby girl, they now have 2 boy’s & 2 girls.  Papa went down to the truck patch & planted pickle seed, he was over by Louis Armstutz’s a little while he called him over there.  Rosalia & Bertille went to the Jackson’s show tonight, & the people there, it was sure a crowd, most of them with there parked cars, they sold soap, medicine, & candy, it had slips in the boxes, Harold Wagner had one with it he got a big Indian Blanket, Rosalia [Rosalie?] Braun, Meba Hepp got teaspoons, Henry Bruns a mirrow, & many others received prizes.  They played the show “Crazy House” it was good.  They also gave free attendance thickes [tickets] out, we got 3 of them, chances to win a blanket.


Thursday, May 7, 1931

Irene Neff is 18 yrs. old today.  Laverne Keorber, her friend is going to celebrate it at the Brick House by giving a dance Sat night.  Papa found a balloon down by our truck patch today.  It said on there return it & receive a prize, so we mailed it in today, to the St. Louis Arena.  We cleaned our dinning room [sic] this morning, & this afternoon.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & she went along with us to Pete Dehn’s funeral.  They had supper with us.  Eggs are 13¢ today.

Sunday, May 3, 1931

Today Papa is 53 yrs. old.  Ike Napier was here & brought some cheese for Aunt Mary a bowl full.  Today is also Mamie Mueth’s birthday, she is 17 yrs. old.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family where here for dinner & lunch we had chicken dinner.  Henry & Leona went home & did the feeding & left the kids here, we all went to the truck patch.  In the evening Henry & Leona & Aunt Mary, Rosalia Bertille went to church.  Bill & Creses where out too.  The evening was spent in playing music, singing, cake & Beer where refreshments served.  Hecker & Belleville baseball club played today.  Belleville won in a score of 18 to 4.