Uncle Fred’s 64 & Uncle Joe’s birthday. Rained last nite. Pap took load wheat to Waterloo got 81 [cents]. The Kunkel place was sold on Public Auction at Court House this morn. at 10 o clock by Morrison. Uncle Pete Reheis got it $1500. rather had to take it, he had the mortgage. Bill [Klein] came took Bert [Bertille] & pap along out to Henrys this eve.
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1936
Uncle Fred is 62 yrs. old today & Uncle Joe 53. Today Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s got load oats. We all went out to Uncle Freds, had dinner there, played cards, Jos Keller came out to, for dinner. They all went to Louis Armstutz’s sale at the molasses factory, Kaltwassers estate. Went out to Uncle Freds again, had supper. Buehler’s & Frank & Oscars Birkners family came also, played cards, etc. Beautiful day, getting colder.
Sunday, July 16, 1933
We went to church, nice, cool day, turner pinic [sic] at Smithon [sic]. Uncle Joe was here, wanted to pay Rosalia for threshing, but neither new what they take; so he is going to wait awhile. We sold 11 doz. eggs 12¢. Mr. & Mrs. Zimmer, & Mrs. Vogel & Rose, where looking at Aunt Mary’s house, they are going to rent 3 rooms, that is the Mrs. & Rose the teacher for McQuillian School; $6.00 mo. house & garage. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch, then we all went to Turner Pinic [sic] at Smithon [sic]; this evening, cool nights here later.
Wednesday, March 25, 1931
Bertille was at church this morning. Papa went out to help Uncle Joe sawed wood today on Henry place for dinner because he was sick. We cleaned the yards today. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up us there went to church. Mrs. Koeller of New Athens died. Mrs. Maggie Groosheim is awful sick. We cooked a kettle of soap today.
Wednesday, March 18, 1931
We all went out to Henry’s. We took dinner along out, Uncle Joe, Uncle Fred, they came down for dinner. We helped Leona with the garden, we made the paths & sewed onions, planted 3 rows potatoes, lettuce, carrots. Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille took Uncle Fred’s machine & drove over there first & Aunt Mary got her coat, & hat, so she could go to church this evening. Then we drove back home, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for supper, afterwards we went to church. Aunt Mary & Bertille were over at George Wagner’s a little while. Today is just 6 years ago of the Murphysboro cyclone. Ralph Ettling was here this evening. Martha Boll is home now, she has a bad cold.
Tuesday, March 17, 1931
Today is St. Patrick, there is a euchre in Tiptown tonight. We are going to saw wood this afternoon up in the woods. Henry is going to saw it & Uncle Fred, Uncle Joe, & Emil are going to help. Rosalia & Bertille drove out to Henry’s this morning, we were all out there for dinner. Aunt Mary was there this afternoon too, she & Bobby went too Uncle Adam’s. They didn’t get started sawing for wood until about 2:30, before that the pulley broke. So we will have to finish tomorrow morning. We have too take dinner out to Henry’s. Bertille baked a cake this evening. Bertille went to church this morning, was mass for Aunt Bridget Dunn.
Thursday, January 1, 1931
We all went to church this morn. Leona was here by herself this morn. because Henry & the kids have an awful cold. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Uncle Adam & Emil were all here for dinner & supper today. Uncle Joe was here a little while this morning he brought a radio receiver here for Uncle Fred. This evening, Leo Wittenauer, Philip, & Wm. & Creses Freund were all here & we had a six handed game of pinochle & Oh! the fun. Bertille, Philip, Leo were partners & won every game, we played 3 games, they all left about 12 o’clock. Fr. Grootens had a sermon this morn. – on the Hecker Bank closed. There are people working study [?] all the time.
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1930
Today is Election. Papa went out in the woods this morning, him and Uncle Joe & Eddy Meuth cut a tree down with a bee hive in it. Then they went up to Meuth’s again, they had a whole tub full. So Papa called up & said Rosalia should come out & fix the honey out there so she went. They said for half it would make about 3 or 4 gals. Meuths are going to get half of it. Henry is plowing here today. Leona & the kids came up just before dinner, they were all here for dinner. Papa had dinner out at Meuths today. Henry and Papa went up to vote. Bertille was at church this morning. Rosalia was out at Meuth’s for supper. They didn’t have enough jars to put the honey in so in the evening Papa & Bertille drove out there too & took a 2 gal. jar along. It made about 12 gals. altogether, we got 5 1/2 gals. John Wittenauer’s have a little girl since Sunday afternoon.
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