Mission. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile; beef soup dinner today. They came up this afternoon & Berti [Bertille] went along out picking up hickory nuts, & went to see Uncle Matts woods, were the saw mill had been, where they made railroad ties & etc; big lot of slabs there now yet. Beautiful day; got about 2 gals. nuts; from 3 trees. Mr & Mrs. Dominic Klein & son Ignatius was here looked at the mule, & bought him for $125 going to get him, either Mon. eve or early Tues. morn. Pap was at Wagner’s.
Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1936
We cleaned upstairs, after the rain; A man here want to buy white oak timber. We got the order from Chicago Mail – everything o.k. pap overalls 38 & jumper 42 rather large, Bert shoes 5 o.k. Waterloo is going to have pinic [sic] again this eve; but it is thundering & raining again now. Fr. Frankovich & Uncle Matt are advertising it. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Waterloo Pinic [sic], sure had a nice crowd, had sold over 600 tickets for supper last nite, & had supper again tonite, Waterloo Band played. Herr Hugo German Band, Hug. Radan Orch,; all played a few pieces. We didn’t win anything, from 44 prizes; played a bingo for quilt. Mrs. Pete Kleim won it. It rained a little, but didn’t spoil the pinic [sic] any.
Wednesday, July 17, 1935
Baked bread; painting etc. Cleaned basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here from Hy. Birkner’s threshing & had dinner here, he went along with papa in the woods, to see what kind of a job those guys are making in Uncle Matts woods; after dinner they left for Oscar Birkner’s threshing, for supper. The boss of the wood workers came by this afternoon papa went out & showed them where to work in our woods. Uncle Fred’s got his chev. just a year today. Pour’s called babies Leo & Louis.
Tuesday, July 16, 1935
Finished patching, baked blackberry pie; got 42½ pt. sour kraut canned. Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, canned beans, she claims hers don’t keep what she canned; also canned beets; & ironed for her. Uncle Matt & boys were here, he wanted to take him out in his woods to see how those fellows were making piling, 3½ ft. thought maybe papa would let them make some in our woods too. Rose took lawn mower to Fritsche got the handle fixed on it; then we cut lawn. Pap started painting chick house.
Tuesday, February 18, 1930
It is so nice and warm that we had the front doors open today. We found 17 eggs. We had company today. Mr. Kirsch was here and brought us a book of Starks Nurseries. A man from Baldwin was here and wanted to sell paint. Papa took some of our summer sausage over to Reinhenckers to smoke it for us. Uncle Matt was in town today. Mr. Rheinecker planted some sprouts trees in front of his house. Bertille baked cookies. Rosalia & Bertille washed & ironed today.
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