Rained a little shower this morn.; canned tomatoes & beans; took peaches out to Henry’s, but nobody home. Went to Leo’s making hay this afternoon; took basket peaches along, rained heavy this eve. Jobusch postmaster of Waterloo was buried yesterday afternoon at Waterloo. Wind took of a lot of peaches this eve. lights were of [sic] for while. Louis Mueth of Paderborn died. Uncle Joe Mueth & Eddy & some of Nics family & Phil are going to Okalohoma [sic] to visit soon; to Frank Dudenhoeffer.
Saturday, Aug. 19, 1933
Jung was here & paid his debts. A lady around selling vanilla, 3 bottles $1.00, we sent her of [sic – off]. Uncle Joe was here paid Rosalia for threshing $1.50. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Wm. Gregson’s sale, didn’t buy anything; big sale. Ralph Collier was to have his property sold, to but it wasn’t today, Uncle Pete is going to forclose [sic] the mortage [sic – mortgage]. Ralph’s wife is in St. Louis, she is suing him for divorce, it comes of in Sept. court.
Sunday, Jan. 29, 1933
Rosalia & Bertille went to church, Papa wasn’t feeling very good so he stayed at home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over little while before dinner, they had there dinner along across the street. Ted Wuertz was here & told papa that our hog had bad teeth, that is why she don’t eat. Uncle Joe Mueth was here on business on telephone. Mr. Mueth is awful sick, they had the preist [sic] & doctor out, he don’t know any body, & weak; had a light stroke in his legs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over again this afternoon she went to church service & we played cards, papa had 1500 trump in diamonds, they where here for supper. Henry & family where also here for supper, they brought 1 gal. milk along for our pigs. Henry took Robert to Doctor Eckerts & wanted to get his tooth pulled, but doc ain’t at home. Fr. Adyt appointed 8 men on comittee [sic] this morning for a meeting after church this afternoon to straighten things out; about Frank Scheinwender taking lumber away & loading up fence roofing, doors, etc. but was stopped by Ed. Parker, Phil Braun, Griffin, Roy Stauenfbiel.
Sunday, June 21, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for pie lunch this morn. After mass this morn – the chances were raffled from the Pinic [sic], Tom Havey won the stove, Mrs. Hy S. Braun won the tea set, Lester Miller won a quilt, Uncle Joe won something too. There was 5 articles raffled out. This afternoon we all went out to Henry’s, he was up for church this morn – then went home & started cutting wheat again, Gus Geodell’s was out too, he was sitting on the binder. We helped to bake dewberry pie. Then it started in a raining & we went home. George Wagners have lots of company today, it is Charles Birthday he is 4 yrs. old. The Merhmans, Fritsche’s, Ettlings, Kammlers where all there. It is a real lawn party.
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