Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were working up here this morn. Pap went out dug potatoes up in field a bucket full. Henry started combining again, goes alwful [sic] slow so far, mill only pay 50 [cents] for the wheat, wants to ship it to St. Louis now. We went to Orlets this afternoon piled hay & put up some. Today is the last day in quarry for Jac. being put out of a job; etc. only them that need it bad; rest are all laid of. Waterloo paper has this week a $600.00 reward for the finder of the boomber [sic] of Schaefer house.
Wednesday, April 13, 1938
Washed, ironed; cut lawn, etc. Pap went up got hair cut. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, cleaning garden, she went to church, also went down to Red Bud. We went to church at Waterloo. Mrs. Wm. Ganley is pretty ill, since last nite. We set 19 hens to nite, 264 eggs. Bert [Bertille] washed Chev. Sure hot today. Lester Brown is driving a bread wagon now, new truck, 75 miles trip, delivered it to stores, down toward to Chester etc; has no work at Belleville no more. Geo Wagner hasn’t worked for nearly 2 mons. now. Bruns gets 2 1/2 [cents] loaf; sells about 400 loaves a day.
Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went out & got a load wheat. Mrs. Rennecker has a boarder Ferd [Fred?] Smith. The St. Augustine Parish are having a euchre, lotto, pinochle; tonight; in the hall. We cooked kettle soap. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to the euchre, Rosalia had 8 points, she got a glass & plate, the rest of us got nothing had 7 points. Cecilia Coop won attendance prize, pillow cases. Mr. Albert Griffin was fired at the St. Louis Dairy Station here, another guy Smith got on his place. Frank Hilpert’s wedding ann. today.
Wednesday, April 19, 1933
It is cloudy this morn. Karl Boll gave his job up at Belleville & Milton Wagner has it now. Karl has no work. We cleaned little chick house, put on screens & washed windows. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Papa went out to Bill Sensel’s sale Nobbe of Waterloo is selling him out. Aunt Mary stayed at Buehler’s. Papa bought a cow for $10.00; everything sold cheap, quite a few people attended. Louis Whiel was sale auctioneer, he bought a crippled horse for 5¢, & rung up the rendering works at Belleville to get it. Papa bought corn too for 24¢ bus. Ed Neff bought the truck for $5.00. Mulligan boy’s & Clarence Wittenauer came this afternoon to see papa but he wasn’t home, so Clarence came back this evening; he wanted a piece for ballgrounds; so papa told him for $15. & the right of us all to watch them play, & nothing hauled in or out, they could have it; so he is going to see the rest & let us know. Henry & family came up, he brought the mule up. Philip Braun was here & wanted the recipe for curing Rheumatism; Mrs. Braun has it so bad. Bert went up to look for the mail.
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