Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were working up here this morn. Pap went out dug potatoes up in field a bucket full. Henry started combining again, goes alwful [sic] slow so far, mill only pay 50 [cents] for the wheat, wants to ship it to St. Louis now. We went to Orlets this afternoon piled hay & put up some. Today is the last day in quarry for Jac. being put out of a job; etc. only them that need it bad; rest are all laid of. Waterloo paper has this week a $600.00 reward for the finder of the boomber [sic] of Schaefer house.
Monday, Jan. 25, 1932
Today is wash & iron & patching. Sewed all our aprons. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here this evening, they came after Josie, she was down at Ben Heyl’s today, we played 5 & 6 handed pinochle. Lester Gregson is moving to Hecker in Gambach’s house, he moved some today. Aunt Mary said Edwin Watchel’s windows where smashed in, but she don’t know what happened.
Friday, Sept. 4, 1931
Today Rosalia is 20 yrs. old. The bunch came & surprized [sic] her, where: Mr. & Mrs. Henry Birkner & family, Henry Brand & family, Fred Papenberg & family, Alf. & Elsa Eckert, Rosalia & Rita Braun, Clem & Elmer, Bessie Parker, Hy. Hillsheim, Odillo & Mamie Eichenseer, Christ Buehler & family, Henry Spalt, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary. The basement was cleared & dancing begun till 12 o clock, Uncle Fred & Henry furnishing the musci [sic]. Beer, cake, where served. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch& supper. It is also Mrs. Geodell’s birthday, they had the celebration Thurs. evening. Fr. Grooten gets in trouble with everybody, Richert was fined $15.00 & all night in jail for having plum wine, Jack Ganley was arrested, cutting the wires on Hillsheims machine & one thing another, lots news in Hecker, in 1931. But ain’t so claims it.
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