Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1936

Today is the Wedding of Vanderiet & Schields at Waterloo. Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s help with the silo again, aren’t finished yet; were out all day, got 5 loads cut; tractor is broke now. S. Renneker came this evening. The light & power Co. were putting in posts & bracketing.

Wednesday, April 13, 1932

It froze hard again last nite, ice. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henrys this afternoon & got a load of wheat took it to Freeburg 49¢. There are a few trucks hauling rock again this afternoon for in front of the church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to Oak Grove, Melching gave a free dance. It was a nice crowd there. Vandereit furnished musci [sic]. The Ladies Aid of Evangical [sic] Church gave a euchre this evening in Kammler Hall. Papa got oil in both cars today. egg 8¢.