Friday, Sept. 23, 1932

We went to Waterloo took our lard, 100 lbs. 6¢ $6.00. We stopped in at Henry’s brought the kettle & milk seperator [sic] along. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for the evening, Willie Birkner’s family came & we went over, they brought all there instruments along, accordian [sic], mandolin, violin, guitar, bandoria, music was the main feauture [sic] of the eve, doughnuts & lemonade where served. Henry brought a load of corn this evening, the boys came along to.

Sunday, May 17, 1931

This afternoon we started out for a drive & landed at Fort De Chartres & viewed everything there, we made 48 min.  Hilda Fritz was the only one we knew there that we seen.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for the show this evening.  Bill & Creses came too, we all went too the show.  Ben Schilling was here this evening then he came there too Creses along with him.  The blanket winners to-night were, Levi Gregson again, & Edwin Reheis.  Oliver Birkner was the 8 yr. boy that played the violin with the [racial slur omitted], he played 2 tunes, he was to get 50¢ but that he played 2, I think he got $1.00.

Thursday, Oct. 30, 1930

Henry & family were here all day today.  Henry finished plowing this evening.  Emil was here this afternoon.  We baked molasses cookies today.  There was a man here this evening, he wanted to buy eggs, but we told him we didn’t have any.  Eggs are .29¢ at the store.  Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s & Angela & then we all went down to the public School House for a Literary Meeting.  Speakers were: H. M. Hill, Wm. Wiegand, Greg. McCarthy.  Mr. Wiegand spoke on prohibition and ruination of the country.  Mr. Hill spoke of Art and Mr. McCarthy spoke of Nature.  Mr. Hill also sang a song & played the violin with it, a war time song.  Today is Annie Reheis Birthday.