Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. Pap went to Red Bud to get lumber to fix a place in garage to put in wheat when we thresh. People started in threshing this afternoon, to wet this morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came to get sugar. Hy. Armstutz brought sack feed. Vonderhede boy’s of Red Bud were here selling chances on a painted tablecloth, 10¢ chance for his mother. Uncle Fred took a chance.
Tuesday, April 24, 1934
Papa & Rose went to Belleville to Streck’s with 2 hogs, got $3.70 lb. had 415 lbs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to work. Papa & Rosalia got load rock & sand out of the branch. We went to Red Bud this evening to get medicine to spray chicks, but Zipfel wasn’t there, he went to Evansville. Al Vonderhide baby of Red Bud died will be buried Wed. afternoon; Mrs. nee Schmidt, mail carriers sister’s child. It turned awful cold this evening. “Ginger Girls” a 3 act play will be given in Paderborn Hall by the St. Libory Dramatic Club; tonight. It froze ice this morn.
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