Sunday, Oct. 15, 1933

Went out to Uncle Freds had dinner there, then left the car stand by church lanes & walked down the hard road to where they are working by Cleveland’s House, we walked up to Henry’s but no one home there, so went back home again, it started in raining. Harry Kammler has a dance tonite musci [sic] furnished by Mac Ocr. [sic] of Red Bud. Ed Neff traded his old car in for a new one, also Joe Wacthel, R. Stauenfbiel. Ed is building a new garage, wrecked his old one, & putting it up modern. Mr. Peter Reheis got the place from Ralph Collier, known as Whiteside farm, sold on forclosure [sic] sale $7500.00. Mrs. Collier & children are in St. Louis. Mr. Jo. Neff 45 yrs. passed away was buried Fri., sick 2 days in hospital. Mrs. Joe Schilling brother, Smithon [sic] Church, Green Mount Cemetery. Mrs. Neff 86 yrs, his mother lives in Old Folds [sic – Folks] Home, Belleville; he married Lavin Buehler, and have 3 children, all living on farm near Smithon [sic].

Saturday, July 1, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up took the rest of there onions out in there garden; we helped, they sold them to Braun’s got 94¢ for 51½ lbs. New Athens have home coming today. There was a fire at Kaltwasser’s today, Spalts are threshing at Wacthel & Armstutz set there & spark flew out & started the weeds to burn, they got it out with shovels & water, Joe Wacthel got his hand burned a little. It is so awful hot again. John Reagean & family moved in John Hepps house here in town.

Wednesday, May 31, 1933

We washed,  ironed, Pete Watchels called there little girl Alsace, & George Lorbergs called there boy William. Ed Scheinder is making hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. Marshal Schender of Smithon [sic] was here, & then him & papa went out to look at Uncle Freds horses. A man was here trying to sell electric plants. We all went out to Ed. Parker’s dance, the crowd wasn’t so large as the other time. Henry Keorber announced a dance at John Lipperts June 10 musci [sic] furnished by Riverside band. Rheinhardt played tonite. Henry Henze Sr. died between 4 & 5 o clock this evening, he has been ailing for quite awhile. Mrs. Pete Wittenauer was buried this morning at Belleville, St. Luke’s church, Green Mount cemetery.

Tuesday, April 4, 1933

We all went to Belleville this morn, got our dresser, Rosalia & Bert [Bertille] got shoes from Smalls, dress slippers $1.98 R & B work shoes $1.50. Steve Rennecker came over, him & Osie Neff was here when we weren’t at home Osie is going to buy Edwin Walcthels shares on the line. Steve & Osie are running trustee’s on town board. We worked in the garden, cleaned little chick house; Mrs. Bievenue was buried this morn. We went to Strecks butcher & slaughter house, seen them chain, stick & clean hogs, so fast.

Saturday, March 25, 1933

Henry came up & got the hog. Papa & Bertille went to Belleville to a sale at the Merchants Transfer Storage Co; 3 different lots where sold, one bringing $75 – $85 – $80. We bought a buffet from the party that bought the lump for $5.00, it is nice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where there too, she got a spring for $2.00; that is all we bought, took 24 doz. eggs along & got 9¢ in part trade. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here; we got a jig saw puzzle of 200 pieces with a lb. coffee & .01 so we took one, boy! some puzzle. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Watchel & family, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laut & family where here this evening playing pinochle; 6 handed. Henry Birkner’s have a little baby girl born this eve. it is also Oliver Birkners birthday it is to be christened tomorrow afternoon, Christ & Frieda Buehler sponsors. They called it Valeita Frieda.

Monday, March 20, 1933

It started to rain, so we didn’t wash today. Papa went up town this afternoon. Two of our hens hatched Sat. 14 chicks. It is a real snow blizard [sic] this evening, & cold, we covered our cabbage plants & lettuce. The Ladies Aid had a quilting at George Kammlers today. George Wagner & Joe Watchel where spading there garden today, while it was snowing. Gambach’s & Stifflers case was to come of today in court.

Thursday, March 2, 1933

We cleaned upstairs this afternoon. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got a load of wheat. Papa went out on business this afternoon. Joe Watchel’s got a dinning [sic] room set delivered to them this morn, from Miller furniture from Belleville; it was 6 chairs, table, rocker, & buffet, rug. It is real warm the past days. Henry got setting eggs from Uncle Dan & Aunt Emma, the other night, & took them in to Geodells, to set, Gus is going to set them for Henry with Henrys incubator. We went out to Uncle Fred’s, this eve, played 6 hand pinochle, & had popcorn, listened to the radio.

Saturday, Jan. 21, 1933

We all went to church, to Mrs. Mueth’s funeral; & rain some thing awful it just poured down; make it awful bad. Papa & Rosalia went along to the cemetery. The church was packed, some standing. The pall bearers where, Joe & George Schilling, Tom Haney [?], Wm. Ganley, Phil Braun, Geo. Parker. Fr. Adyt made a nice sermon; people where here from St. Louis, Waterloo, Smithon [sic], Red Bud & from all over. We went to Joe Wacthel’s this eve, played 5 hand pinochle, 4 games; & raining & dark. Papa went to the annual telephone meeting at Griffin, this afternoon, they came down a 25 on quaterely [sic] dues, it is now 75¢ every 3 mons. the drop tax is still the same $4.00 a yr. Papa had a talk with Al. Geodelle. They say the roads are pretty good for all the rain we had.

Tuesday, Jan. 17, 1933

We washed and iron & baked bread today. Papa & Rosalia got a load of oats at Henry’s this afternoon. Cyril & Clarence came down this eve, & got each a bu. oats & sack of hay for 300 for there rabbits. Aunt Mary called up this evening, she was quilting at Henry Birkners today. Ed. Meng was over & paid Uncle Freds int. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Reheis has a little boy since Dec. 27, they have now a girl & boy. Mrs. Joe Mueth nee Brocs died at 5 o clock this eve. Papa went to town. Miss Martha Boll of St. Louis called out to Geo. Boll’s & congraulated [sic] him on his birthday. Joe Watchel is butchering.

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 1933

We fried down bacon, sugar cured meat. Steve Rennecker came over & collected his telephone dues, $1.50 including drop tax. Steve cut all of his trees down in front of his house. George Wagner hauled them away for firewood. Papa went over awhile. George & Joe Wactel was also there. The Democrat man from Belleville called out to Hills to get some information to put in the paper today on Hecker Default State Bank, about the wreath that has been placed there; in front of the bank door. Mrs. Hill ordered some cottage cheese from Ben Heyl’s they sell it 15¢ pint. Mrs. George Wagner put a quilt in the frame this morning, Mrs. Rennecker helped, Mrs. Watchel also helped to quilt on it this evening. Jerome Cortner was to see Uncle Fred’s but they wasn’t up here, they where at Chris Buehler’s, who is pretty sick, he didn’t come over here. Wagner told him that they wasn’t up today.