Papa is hauling wood again today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up for supper. We went over to look at Mrs. Rennecker’s flower, it opens up & blooms till mignight, [sic] get’s as big as a saucer, then goes shut. Joe Wacthel’s got there boy christened Delmar.
Sunday, August 9, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner today. Tonight is a dance at the Gun & Rod Club House. Joe Watchel was here this evening. We had a nice shower rain this eve, so that puts threshing off for a while.
Sunday, August 2, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner & lunch. They & Bertille went to see Adam Eckert place where he is going to move tomorrow. It is a old place, the house looks awful. George Lorberg has a little girl born this morning Georgia Lee. This evening Rosalia & Bertille went up town when we heard the crash, George Lorberg’s truck with Edwin Wacthel driving as he was going to turn in his place, a car came & crash it went, the man was Busche from Red Bud, no one was hurt only cars damaged, they had to pull them in with a wrecking car. Lorberg has full coverage insurance. Edwin has no chaffeuer license & was drunk as could be. Mr. Martin May was here this afternoon.
Thursday, May 28, 1931
This morning we finished our truck patch for this week, then Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & then we went to Belleville all day. We ordered our Belleville Paper, that the lady took us through the printing shop. We all got weighed, Aunt Mary 168 lbs., Uncle Fred 152, Papa 165, Rosalia, 149, Bertille 112. Today is Frances Kern’s birthday. Joseph Huber Jr. has purchased a Chrysler. Last Thurs. night Edwin Wachtel gave a dance at the brick House. Rev. Fr. Odillo Eichenseer off Chicago spent a day last Sat. with Anton Eichenseer, & Sun. at Ruma he celebrated his 25th yr. priest, the relation where all present, & they had served dinner in the Hall for 200 people. Mrs. Charles Rausch of Belleville sold her farm where Ed. Schinder lives on, a lake will be made on the farm. Red Bud ball team played with Hecker on there grounds here, & defeated them by a score of 2 to 1. Smithton Jr. team played Hecker Jr. team here Sun. the score was 10 to 9 in favor of Smithton. Frances Schilling was home last Sun. visiting parents. George Neff is on the sick list, he is my Osie’s [? last word unclear]. Ed. Parker’s barn is nearly finished now, it costs between $3 & $4,000. John Roth sold some of his land to George Roth is son.
Friday, June 20, 1930
Papa went up town this morning. Rosalia was up at Mamie Eichenseers this afternoon and got one of her dress patterns. She brought our umbrella along back. They got it fixed up now. The men are going to work in the quarry again today. Fr. Grootens called on Uncle Fred to come to the new school and work today. He was afraid it was going to rain so Rosalia went out there and brought them along back. Then Uncle Fred and Papa went to work at the school all day. Henry & family came up this afternoon. Henry & Leona went to Belleville and the kids stayed here. Aunt Mary & Bobby carried lunch up to the men working, to Uncle Fred and Papa. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner, supper & breakfast with us. Clarence Wagner was down a little while this evening or this afternoon playing with Bobby. This evening Mamie, Angela Eichenseer & Mrs. Joe Wachtel came here to get us. Then we all went up to Kammler’s Hall and celebrated Odillo Eichenseer’s birthday. There were quite a few people there – Gus Blackburn, Uncle Fred, Karl Boll, Hy. Rausch & Ralph Rausch furnished the music. Gus Blackburn charged $3.00. They had 8 cakes baked. We sure had a good time! Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed all night at our house. There is going to be a dance at Rapp’s next Wed., but we got no invitation.
Wednesday, June 18, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille went out to Uncle Fred’s this morning to pick dewberries. We picked about 2 gallons. We canned 2 gls. today and made the rest is jelly. We took Aunt Mary’s curtains along home and washed them for her. We had lunch out there this morning. Kuhus brothers started cutting wheat in our field this afternoon. Mr. Kuhus is sick in bed with rheumatism. Yesterday was Ike Napiers birthday, but they didn’t have no dance. This evening Kuhus brother-in-law was here and looked at our little leghorn chick. Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were also here. Papa went out a little while to help Kuhus shock wheat. Pete Wachtel and Louis Armstutz, Uncle Fred helped a little while this evening too. Papa and Uncle Fred went up to the new school this evening to get some benches. Uncle Fred took 2 of them. Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille went over to Mrs. Rennecker. She showed up her garden. They finished fixing the church steeple today.
Friday, May 2, 1930
Today is Mrs. Joe Wachtel’s birthday. Rosalia went up to church this morning. It rained last night, thundered and lightin’, hail & wind, but it didn’t do no damage as far as I know. Papa went up to the school this morning again, today he wanted all the men from the congregation to come to help pour cement. Miss Lela & Ethel Deuker (sp?), the school teachers, took their school children to Fort Chartre yesterday in Lester Gregson’s truck for an outing. They had wiener roast, ice cream. There were about 50 children. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Uncle Fred went up to work at the new school. They stayed at our house for supper. Bertille went over to Mrs. Frank Birkner this afternoon & brought her some tomato plants from Aunt Mary. Bertille took 3 dozen eggs to the store, got .20¢ a dozen.
Thursday, April 24, 1930
Today is Alfreda Wittenauer’s birthday and also Elmer Parker’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary have an invitation to come to Parker’s this evening. There is going to be a dance there. We are not invited. Papa, Rosalia went out to Henry’s this morning to get some straw and a few other things. Bertille went to church. Uncle Fred & Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon. They brought souvenirs along for the women. They gave egg timers and for the men a key knife. Aunt Mary stayed at our house. They ate supper with us. Bertille took 4 dozen eggs to the store and got .21¢ a dozen. Farther Grootens and Clement Parker was at our house this afternoon. They wanted a wheelbarrow, but we didn’t have any so they went over to Joe Wachtel and there got one.
Sunday, February 16, 1930
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner. Rosalia & Bertille were invited to Angela Eichenseer’s, she had a birthday celebration. Those present were: Miss Lena Meng & Clifford Sthalebher, Mrs. Joe Wachtel, Miss Mamie Eichenseer, Miss Elica(?) Pour, & Rosalia & Bertille & Angela. The evening was spent in playing euchre and pinochle, refreshments were served at due time, popcorn and cake. August Meuth’s have a little girl. They named it Bertilla. We all went up to church this afternoon to confession. Tomorrow is thirteen hour devotion. We found 13 eggs.
Sunday, January 12, 1930
Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went to church. Henry & Robert Laut were fixing telephone line. Henry came here for dinner. Rosalia & Bertille were at Mrs. Joe Wachtel this afternoon. Angela was there too. Papa went uptown in the afternoon.
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