Wednesday, May 29, 1935

We washed, ironed. Henry & Emil brought the cavass [sic] back, & got Emils wagon by Geodells again. Baked cake & cookies. Went to Belleville this afternoon, to church. Zita Carrol wanted to ride home with us, we waited for her, but she had gone home with some body else; she called & told us. Mrs. Renneckers birthday. It was cloudy this morning, but turned nice.

Tuesday, May 28, 1935

Rose & Berti went to Red Bud, to church, got chick feed. Henry came to put up hay, & it rained just when he got here; so he had dinner, sun came out & dried off pretty good so they put it up yet, Emil came with the wagon, Uncle Fred helped yet, they all had lunch here. We helped Aunt Mary plant out tomatoe [sic] plants yet. Emil broke the bolster on his wagon by Armin Geodells, so they took his wagon & papa went out & helped reload it on Geodells wagon, some time. We went out to Henry’s helped them unload the hay, got 1 load off & started in to rain, so they had to quite [sic – quit], rained quite a little. We planted pickle seed.