Friday, July 15, 1932

We all went out to Henry’s, they had the threshers there for oats, had a few for lunch & all for dinner got 590 bu. oats, from there they went to Ganley’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary couldn’t be there, – they had to go by Oscar’s & Ronnenberg’s & Franks. This evening they came up then we all went to Frank Degenhardt’s wake; he was 57 yrs. old the funeral will first be Mon. morning. Mr. Licht the insurance man was here this evening. There was a bunch went on a Excursion boat trip today, Hepp’s, Moeher’s, etc.

Thursday, June 30, 1932

Papa went up to see Fix but he wasn’t at home. He stopped in at Scheinder’s at Smithon [sic] & told him we have horses for sale. Clifford came over at noon. Papa rode the saddle horse out to Henry’s & brought the mule back. Bobby & Floyd got there pictures taken on it; & rode him around. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening a while, to see Mr. Gambach, they aren’t going to the funeral, because they have hay to make. Jos. Schilling finished threshing 520 bu. he got. George Schilling also started today.

Sunday, May 1, 1932

There where 4 girls & 7 boys made their Solemn Coummioun [sic – Communion] at Red Bud this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. They went out to Buehler’s this afternoon, Linus Birthday. Robert Launts had a farewell party this evening. We weren’t invited to come. Henry & Leona & Geodell’s family came up this evening, the boys stayed here & rest went over to New Athens to Val. Klube’s, his wife died this morn. but they didn’t get to see her anyway, she was at the unterdating [sic- undertaking] parlor yet. The funeral is Tuesday, Henry is pallbearer. Harry Kammler’s has a dance tonite. Peter Bros. outfit playing

Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1931

Henry & Leona went to Belleville left the kids here. Mrs. Johnny Reheis died this morn. around 1 o’clock, she will be buried Fri. afternoon, she was sick for a time, had cancer. We all went to the wake this eve. stayed till about 12 o clock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where going to stay all night. Ben Kerber a sales agent was here. Papa was in the woods this afternoon.

Monday, Oct. 19, 1931

They tolled the bell this morn for George Neff, he must off died in the night sometime.  We all went out to Aunt Mary’s was there for dinner, we picked about 8 bus. apples, sack of walnuts & took them along home, they have so many apples this year.  The egg man got 10 doz. eggs 26¢.  This eve. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family all where here, they all, except Leona & the kids, & us two went up to the wake at George Neff’s, he was 57 yrs. old. & was laid out so nice, looks natural, there where quiete [sic] a few there.

Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1931

Papa is hauling wood today.  The bells where tolling this morn. at our church for the first time, for Mrs. William Braun, she died this morn. around 6 o clock at the Belleville Hospital.  Kock got her from there & took her to Red Bud & fixed her up, brought her home around 1o o clock, Henry & Leona, Rosalia, Bertille, Aunt Mary went down to see her this evening, there wasn’t many people there because they didn’t bring her home till late.  They have 7 children, oldest is 13 & youngest 4.  Joe Watchels have a little baby boy born Sun. 6 Sept.  Lester Gregson’s have a little boy since last week Thurs. 2 [crossed out] or 3 Sept, they christined [sic] it Virgil Lee, Lee Gregson & Agnes where sponsors.  Jack & Willie Ganley & Fr. Grooten where by Hill’s this evening.

Tuesday, April 22, 1930

Leona, Robert & Floyd were here this morning.  Rosalia and Bertille washed and ironed today.  Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went out to Henry’s this afternoon to get some posts.  Rosalia & Bertille got their hair cut today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here a little while this evening.  From here they went to Hirst’s to wake for her.