Rosalia & Bertille went out washing at Leona’s today had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred was here, he brought some papers here & had to get things for threshing at Oscar Birkners. & take Leona along out; they have them there for supper. Lots of cars passing by today. Kleber threshed over at Mengs; everybody was shooting in town this evening; Ed Scheinder was here.
Monday, August 31, 1931
We canned saurkraut, [sic] 8 qts from 2 gallons. We washed this morning, started about 10 o clock, because it looked so like rain. This afternoon we went out to Aunt Mary’s helped with the peaches. We had lunch & supper there. Henry & Leona came there too & left the kids there, while they went to Belleville. She took a basket of peaches along from her, they also got a bu. from Ralph Collier’s at Waterloo, for 50¢. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here, they went down to see Adam Eckert he is in bed, with Rhuematism [sic] since Sat a week, it started, he had to crawl in the house, it is so in his legs. It was in the paper that Anton Buehler left Mon. for Mascoutah, where he will be the guest of Chas. Mueth’s family.
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