Bert went along with Ivo Buehler to Leo’s, helped ironed, patch, had dinner & supper there went along to Paderborn play tonite. Texas Ranger’s, boy what crowd, players were, Hy. Roth, Al & Bertha Karban, Isd. & Ceceila [sic] Watchel, Sly. Neff, Sy. Louis Schoenborn, Esther Helfrich, Marcella Schilling, Cryil Haudrich, Skaer’s Schoenborn played for dance after play, sure was good. Hermann of Columbia got the mule in trade for cow & pigs $65 booth [sic-both]. Leo has there cow & pigs. Bert Thompson was here, pap was over at Meng’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary bought Bert home this eve.
Saturday, March 6, 1937
Pap got crushing done. Went to see Wm. Wiegand. This afternoon went to Adam’s sale on Jenning Farm in Lord’s Corner, bought 5 doz. fruit jars 2¢ a piece; he brought a sewing machine along for Rob. Lauts & wardrobe for Watchel’s, he had the truck so he just brought these things along. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] they went to Belleville, they sewed lettuce, cabbage & radish seed. This evening they came up & Bert went along to Waterloo to Quernheim to see Mrs. Peter Matzenbacher who died Thurs. will be buried tomorrow; she is so delicate, doesn’t look like herself. She was 48 yrs. old; & has been suffering quite some time. Henry stopped got crushing done; brought pictures along up; he started in sewing oats this morn; lot people started today.
Friday, Jan. 29, 1937
Bert cleaned, baked bread etc. Eggs only 19¢ now; Bert got the mail, not much news, Mr. & Mrs. Jake Schaefer of near Foster Pond have a baby boy, born at St. Mary’s Hospital last Thurs. nite; Mr. & Mrs. Ray Schmidt & son Linus [? – unclear] of Waterloo returned home from Red Bud’s Hospital Sat. were all 3 had pneumonia, boy was taken back there again still has throat ailments, paper says. Mrs. Joe Watchel gave me the wedding present for Rosalia, they couldn’t go to the wedding, Delmar was sick with grippe. She [Rosalia] got set silver ware from Uncle Ed, knives & forks, spoons, teaspoons, butter knives, sure beautiful set, sent by mail.
Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1936
We washed, ironed, patched; cleaned upstairs took the tree & decorations down. Some guys here this afternoon wanted to use our sheet [? – unclear] to unload some mules, 1 had been lying down in there, they were afraid it would get killed; & they got stuck in the yard, before they even got that far; some time, cut tracks over the whole place, & didn’t even say as much as thank you, came from way down in Mo. some place. Ed. Meng came yet to & Clarence Wagner. The St. Augustine School, they have lotto & euchre tonite given by the Young Ladies Sodality. Geo. Wagner butchered today. Found 3 doz. eggs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, & pap & Bert went along up to the euchre party, the quilt by playing 1 game lotto was won by Joe Watchel, we didn’t get a thing. Pap had 7 & Bert 4 & A. Mary 2 & Uncle Fred 12 he got a table cloth, the prizes were nice, but not very many & hall was filled, all the tables, surely nice crowd lot of N. Athens & Paderborn. Fr. Teonnies was also down. Leo & Rose went to see Geo. Orlet by Floraville.
Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1936
Cleaned house, planted out flowers & papered pots. Sure beautiful day, windy but nice and warmer. The Evangicals [sic] have euchre at Kammlers tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, & they & Rose & Berti went to the euchre. Berti got cook pot. 9 points the rest got nothing. Edwin Watchel got attendance prize blanket; quilt by lotto was won by Freida Koerber again that is the 3rd one she got at Hecker, now, blanket by Mrs. Pickett, & table cloth, Josie Kaiser; not much of a crowd & not many prizes either.
Monday, Aug. 31, 1936
We washed, ironed. Joe Griffin finished today. Pap got load corn fodder. Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Cortner had Gypsy Joe to play “Red Sails in Sunset” for there baby 1 yr. old today Ethel May. Mildred Watchel & Berneice Wagner was here, she is news reporter for Niece Rausch, for Daily Advocate, neice [sic] is working at Clara’s in New Athens now.
Sunday, Aug. 16, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Fr. Stern is sick. Fr. Feldmann said mass & Simon of Belleville gave coummioun [sic]. Mrs. Henry Geodelle died & being buried this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went in to Waterloo just to the house; she looked good; lot of flowers. Firemen Pinic [sic] & fish fry & dance at Manier’s. Bert got $1.80 playing bluey. Lou Mertz got quilt & Al. Schillings girl the other one; both pretty; the dance was crowded & hot. Ed. Watchel & other guy got into scrap, the other guy knocked Edwin over, nose bleeding; they put him in jail & send Ed home.
Friday, July 31, 1936
Henry & Rob. were up, cutting & putting up hay also cut red clover, had dinner & watermellon [sic] lunch, we bought a 18 lb. 15¢ from a guy of Mo. this morn; went around, boy was it good. Seen in paper, Hy. Emery has the first a baby girl since the 28. & also Jo Sommers last Thurs. 5 girls. Mamie & Lucinda & Watchels kids came this evening awhile. Mr. Geo. Braun & son Theo. moved in with Lizzie Boll’s this week; House all fixed.
Wednesday, July 22, 1936
We dug potatoes about 3 bus. this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came took pap along to Frank Monike’s sale at Lords Corner, report is he is going to move his family to the Gambach property on E. Main St; were Pete Watchel formerly lived; but we heard today, Walter & family is coming to Hecker, in that house & Frank is going to move to New Athens. Pap bought plow & harrow etc. & we all went to get it this evening with truck. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for supper, it was so late when they came back.
Monday, July 20, 1936
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & pap went to Waterloo, made a trade with Nobbe, his 1934 chev; & $195. for a 1936 Chev. coupe, will get it by next week; They had dinner, here chicken. Pap went out to help Henry plowing, he got stuck with the tractor this afternoon; from there he went to G. Schillings paid lumber sawing, $7.30 – 815 ft @ 90. Jac. Erle came, we paid him $19.60 Ins. now we are house insured in there co. not with Rapp anymore. Watchels & Lauts put there electric wires up again; today.
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