Went to 8 o clock mass, only one in Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along with him to Waterloo on business for him. We cooked soap; cleaned smoke house, sharpened butcher knifes; baked cookies & cake. Pretty cold this eve.
Saturday, Oct. 28, 1939
Pap went to meeting & signed up at Kammlers this morn. this afternoon went to Waterloo church, got Berts shoes heels repaired; stopped at Henry’s both ways & still never seen the baby awake yet always sleeping. Leona is up & Mrs. Senior [Geoddel?] is going home today, they butchered a little one today. Mr Cleveland was there helping to butcher, also made sausage.
Monday, Oct. 23, 1939
Washed, ironed. Mertz from Waterloo was here. Christophe & his brother were here, he paid $12.02 damage done on the Whip. in accident, we had to sign paper that we got it.
Saturday, Oct. 14, 1939
Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pie & made chicken. Frida [? – unclear] Fritsche was here wanted to buy corn. It was 34 [degrees] this morn. ice. Went to Red Bud took our radio along to Guker but it still is the same yet; went to Waterloo to church, & to get Bert’s [Bertille] watch had it cleaned & new glass put on $2.00.
Friday, Oct. 13, 1939
Cool. Pap hauled 2 loads wood & for in basement. Bert [Bertille] cleaned bedroom & hall . Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came planted tulips out & Bert [Bertille] helped also scrubbed 2 room floors & cleaned them. Transfer in Waterloo paper of lot of Sophia Kessler to A. Papenberg. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn this eve. to Rosary Devotion at church. Leo & family came here this eve. Awful cold tonite going to freeze.
Thursday, Oct. 12, 1939
Columbus Day. Pap hauled 2 loads wood down today. Went to Waterloo this afternoon, got mash etc. Bert [Bertille] baked molasses cookies, cooked catsup. Awful cold tonite. Henry wants to finished with wheat today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. he got the broken glass from Emils front door that broke Sun. have another glass put in now.
Sunday, Oct. 8, 1939
Went to Red Bud mass. Emil come over brought paps trousers over, Henry had brought them up, had them cleaned at Waterloo. The front door glass broke over at Emils wind blew door shut; so far isn’t fixed yet. Eichenseers have it here, to large glass. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Smithton.
Saturday, Oct. 7, 1939
Rained a little last nite. Mr. Englerth of Smithton Bill’s grandpa died yesterday afternoon he was sick & paralize [sic] for a few years & is pretty old 83 yrs. Bill [Klein] called yesterday eve. Emil was over awhile this morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & pap went to Wm. Gregson’s sale, on the Heyl farm; he is going to move back to Hecker again in Al. Monike’s place. they say. Hess & Ludwig Ford dealers of Waterloo are having the 1940 V8 on display at Brezzy Hill tomorrow nite, with free dance & cash attendance prize, dancing 8 to 12 – 8 pc. Siegels Orch. Bill [Klein] came this eve with 1940 V8. Deluxe Maron, beautiful car, with radio & heater; we went to Smithton to his grandpas.
Monday, Oct. 2, 1939
Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed, patched. Pap went to Waterloo took radio in to Bersche’s got 1 new tube put in, its better, but doesn’t work right; he went out on business trip this afternoon. Mr. Edler came on business for Uncle Fred. Arch Bischoff [sic – Bishop] Cardinal Mudenlin [sic – Mundelein] was found dead in bed this morn. at 7:30. Some people here selling apples 65 [cents] bu. come from Muryphsboro. Warmer today.
Saturday, Sept. 30, 1939
Cold, but no frost & cloudy, it rained yesterday. Sale at Waterloo, we didn’t go, to cold. Bill [Klein] came took Bert [Bertille] along to St. Louis; traded his V8 to Cletus Meuth for his 1934 Plymouth.
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