Bert [Bertille] baked pie. Pap dug all our sweet potatoes, 3 bus. Bert went out to Brand’s this afternoon. Fr. Simon is going around solicting [sic] for Belleville St. Henry’s College, to build some post to it, never came here. Mrs. Joe Schilling is pretty low. St. Everdine is home & all children there, doctor gave up all hopes. Lee Gregson & Vera Schmitz were married at Renault mass this morn; her brother groomsman & Mildren Rist bridesmaid, Lester Chaffeaur, dealers car going to go to Alba. tomorrow. Dan Schmidt of Waterloo & Regina Schoenborn of Belleville were married yesterday afternoon at St. Marys Rectory of Belleville.
Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1939
Leona’s birthday. 29 yrs. Pap hauled 2 loads wood. Bert [Bertille] finished cleaning upstairs. Leona was at Clevelands cooking applebutter. Virgil Eichenseer came got catalogs got a newspaper drive at Cathedral at Belleville at present. Leo & family came this eve. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went along home to his mother to get title for his car, they were going to go to Waterloo, so we came back home again; had watermelon, but wasn’t any good.
Friday, Sept. 22, 1939
Nice cool day. Bert [Bertille] cleaned 2 rooms upstairs. Pap took chev. to Red Bud get oil changed. 5048 mi. this afternoon. Seen in paper, some thieves were around Waterloo on S. Market & Morrison Ave. took money from Wedel home & some others. Chris Buehlers celebrating their Silver Wedd. today 25 yrs. giving a free dance at Log Cabin tonite, musci [sic] by Irene, Wilma & Oliver Birkner & Dilbert Mueth; have posters up. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in on there way down. Bill [Klein] came this eve. On Sept. 11 Lester Gregsons 10th Wedd Ann.
Saturday, Sept. 16, 1939
We treated wheat with copper goob [? – unclear] for insects & worms; going to whole it awhile longer. We had flat tire on Chev. nail in it this morn. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon he fixed it. also going to fix Whip. broke axle on it, by turning around yesterday. Went to Waterloo to church, & went to Tom Crowe’s place was sold, Morrison lawyer sold it at the place. Sold the part with house first, Phil Mueth bought it for $5,000. then sold 16 acres out to hard road & Phil Mueth bought it for $1200. so place stands him $6,200.00; bidders Frank Crowe. Rained heavy this eve. & much colder in evenings. Manier had to close his saloon, his brother in law Berring forced him to move out, took his furniture to Griffins for now.
Friday, Sept. 15, 1939
Hot again. Went to Henrys, took a load of wheat to Waterloo – 18 bus. got 67 [cents]. Top price is 82 [cents] today. Wheat is getting hot again, took load of ours from here off got 73 [cents] & took another load from out there 67 [cents]. Henry & family, Leo & family & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were all here this eve – eating watermelon had 40 lb. melon; & it was sure good.
Wednesday, Sept. 13, 1939
Went to Orlet’s. Pap made troughs etc.; picked potatoes through, had dinner & supper there. Sure hot. Leo & family came this eve. & pap went along to Waterloo church pinic [sic]. Bill [Klein] came down, we stayed at home. Lee Gregson & Vera Schmidt were published 1st time last Sun. here. Alvin Voges & Marcella Pabst having wedding dance at Log Cabin on Sept. 24; the day of Hecker’s Firemens pinic [sic] & fish fry.
Saturday, Sept. 9, 1939
Went to Waterloo this afternoon, sale of Mrs Wild Perry May Auct; not much of a crowd, things went cheap. A. [Aunt] Mary bought wash stand $1.40 & leniloum [sic] for kitchen $2.70. Frankie Englerth & Viola Einwich were married today, wedding dance at Brezzy Hill tonite. Bill [Klein] is invited to go. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came to get stand, we brought along home for them. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came to get Marita, had watermelon.
Friday, Sept. 8, 1939
Hot again today. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies. Seen in Waterloo paper Clarence Voges & Irma Burgdorf were married at Waterloo by Rev. Kaecheim, on Wed. Aug 30 at 4 o clock Mrs. Edwin Reheis his sister & her brother attendants.
Sunday, Sept. 3, 1939
Cloudy this morn; hot in afternoon. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Bert [Bertille] went up to Mamies, gave her butter dish, shakers & cream pitcher & sugar bowl, for shower present, has all pretty presents. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] were here for dinner. Went to Waterloo to see parade. Then went to Smithton, Bill had to open at 2 o’clock, Favre went to Grange to pinic [sic], had to work there.
Friday, September 1, 1939
Awful hot. Bill [Klein] is starting in today, with Sq. Deal Motor Co. at Smithton, going in business for himself. Favre is going to open a shop at Freeburg. A customer of Bellville [sic] stopped in, bought 25 [cents] melon. Pap cutting corn. Bert [Bertille] canned 4 qt. tomatoes. Seen in paper Leroy Siefert & Eliz. Buss were married Wed; going to barn dance next Wed. nite at Brezzy Hill. He works in Kroger store in Waterloo. Al. Cleveland won medal $5. for Champion horse shoe pitching at New Hanover last Wed. at Farm Bureau pinic. John Koeinsbmork 70; died at Red Bud hospital will be buried Sat. morn. at Waterloo church & cemetery, manager of Waterloo Mill. We got card from Isd. Orlet, invitation to church wedding Thurs. morn. to Phylis Bugger of Belleville at St. Marys Parish. Went to Leo’s took watermelon along. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Henry’s family were all there celebrating Rosalia’s birthday.
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