Thanksgiving Day. We went to Red Bud church. Then went on to Aunt Mary for chicken dinner & supper, backbones, Iceberg lettuce, cranberries. Oh Boy! Did it taste good; Cream cake, pumpkin pie. Hot Dogs! Hy. Meng came, paid for his hog. 23¢ lbs. at $3.75. Hy & family came left the kids, here & we went along with them to Brezzy Hill to Myrtle Rau, Quentin Schroeder, wedding dance, bride wore white & veil, bridesmaids wore green, blue. Country Club Orc. from there we went to Oak Grove, to Mudd & Hendrick wedding dance, & crowd, Oh My! on both places, string band. Myerscough & Deukers where all there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Josie, came up, so they played, pinochle till 12′ o clock. Henry sends his milk to Waterloo Creamery now.
Thursday, Nov. 30, 1933
Filed Under: 1933, November Tagged With: Aunt Mary, Breezy_Hill, church, Country_Club_Orchestra, Deuker, Hendrick, Henry, hog, Keller, marriage, Meng, Mudd, Myerscough, Oak_Grove, pinochle, Rau, Red_Bud, Schroeder, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving_dinner, Uncle Fred, Waterloo_Creamery, wedding, wedding_dance
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