Baked & cleaned. Pap went up town to the barber. We drove as far as Barthels Garage, & went along with Leo & Rose to Belleville, got there pictures 13 in all one big one free, & painted also. Sure beautiful day, warm. Read papers & listened to radio.
Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1934
We cleaned, baked. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Henry brought a load corn, took radishes & pumpkins along home. Mr. Schwagel & bride, picture was in yesterday paper. E. Wagner was around selling apples $1.25 bu. we didn’t take any. Baked a cake for Red Bud Catholic Church Supper & card party tomorrow night; also going to give pck. potatoes, 1 doz. eggs, 2 chickens, box sweet potatoes for euchre prize.
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