Leo got threshers about 5 ‘ o clock; had pitchers, & machine guys for supper. Henry & family helped & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had to help at Frank Birkner’s. Henry finished wheat & oats; got 791 bus. & 45 lbs. wheat, our share 263 [and two-thirds] bu. Nic Papenberg hauled 215 bus. ours to Waterloo mill got 60 – 65 & 62. docked some from 3 to 5 [cents] bu. Harry threshed here 684 bu. we got 228 bu. our share; Weigands got tractor & small outfit.
Friday, Jan. 21, 1938
Pap went to Red Bud took 443 lbs. clover seed to Schrieber’s. for 8 1/2 [cents]. Melvin Wagner has the measles, got a sign up, Osies Neff’s, Weigands, Geodelle’s, Klotz’s kids all have them now. Bert [Bertille] send an order to Chicago Mail Or; one to Si & Freckles at Quincy, describing Hecker; one to Ohio to a Oxydol Advertisment [sic]. A fellow here to see about clover seed again. Myrtle Neff is pretty sick.
Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1937
Washed, ironed, scrubbed basement. Pap went out all day on business trip. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, he went to Public School had auction sale – toilets etc.; he bought the 2 for $3.55 cheap. they have new ones in down there now; sold the old one; 8 oclock sale. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came was going to go to A. [Aunt] Mary’s, but they were here, so we played 5 hand pinochle. Kettler won county commissioner. Weigand went down salt lake, he won in the precincts around here, but no where else. Olive Laut came, got ½ bu. turnips.
Friday, July 16, 1937
We went to Belleville yesterday afternoon. pap went to dentist. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to Chris Buehler’s to help thresh; brought the lawn mower along, Bert [Bertille] cut ours & his to. Got papers at noon seen, Berts school teacher Louis Schilling died, & to be buried this afternoon, we got dressed & went to funeral just got there when they were leaving the house, so we went to church, it was packed, lots of flowers, Wagner had charge of funeral, he was 28 yrs. old had been suffering a yr. had to quite [sic – quit] teaching in middle of last yrs. term, his brother taught in his place he didn’t look at all natural, he had cancer; passed away at 5 o’clock Wed. morn; survived by father & mother, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schilling & brother Eugene who is also a teacher & a step sister; was laid to rest in Burksville Cemetery. Mr & Mrs L. Wahlous of Waterloo nee Bea Maus have a baby boy born July 11 at St. Marys hospital – 8 lb. Mrs. Clarence Mudd also passed away at Modoc Ill; formerly lived in Waterloo had grocery store there; was 33 yrs. old. Herb. Bertram & Rose Harbaugh were married at 6 o clock mass at Waterloo on July 13, attendants being John Schaefer & Irene Harbaugh. So many pinics [sic] advertised for to be held in Aug. Herman Lucht horse prairie Ins. man was here collecting Ins. policy to run out this non. $17.50. that is house & farm buildings Ins. at Henry’s. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in from Buehler’s threshing; it rained, had to quite [sic – quit] about 4:30. Wm. Wiegand treated a keg beer, box soda then; he is running for Co. Commisioner; it didn’t rain so much here, nice shower.
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1937
Bert washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came they had dinner & supper here, him & pop went to Waterloo on business. Uncle Fred & Aunt went to see Louis Birkner this afternoon; he is pretty sick, has flu, fever. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, took calf in got 9½ – they are 10½ on the radio. Billy [aka Willis] stayed here, came back all had dinner here. Some fellows here from Red Bud looked at horses. We all went to euchre in School hall tonite, we got nothing. Uncle got picture of a bird, & A. Mary a lamp; big crowd, from all over Waterloo, Red Bud, Athens, Paderborn; nice evening, cold. Mrs. Hepp died at Wm Wiegands, her daughter; will buried about Sat. at Round Prairie; she was pretty old to.
Thursday, Feb. 4, 1937
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up nearly all day, him & pap went to Waterloo on business; had dinner here. This evening we went along with them, went out to see Uncle Adam & Emil, he fell on the ice again today, but not too bad, he looks good. Hy. Weigands have a baby boy born at hospital at Belleville on Jan. 26. first born, formerly Viola Rieso of Broad Hollow. Pretty cold 18°.
Wednesday, July 30, 1936
Cooler this morn. Hy. Weigand has a new Ford V-8. Noel Roscow has sale of implements & household articles this afternoon, Percy Starr auctioneer. Tipton has church pinic [sic], chicken supper. Prairie Du Rocher band playing music. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & we all went to Roscow’s sale, bought a rocking porch chair 60¢. things was all pretty old. Henry & family went to the sale to. Place looks terrible.
Saturday, April 11, 1936
Wm. Wiegand was around electionery for school director against Milton Wagner, & Wiegand won. Hill expired, & gave it up. Kenneth Kemp was relected [sic] without opposition. Some real April showers today. We went to Belleville this afternoon got white shoes. Vic Papenberg was here last nite, wanted to know price of oats. Berneice Mehrmann has a baby boy, born at Fredrichs, she was married to a Smith a while back, & lived in St. Louis, where he’s from.
Thursday, Dec. 20, 1934
Cleaned front room. Rose baked oatmeal cookies. Henry & Leona went to Belleville left Billy [Willis] here. Eggs 24¢ here. Mr. Eugene Metzger 34 of Floraville shot & killed himself at the home of his sister Mrs. Freida Gerhard, 2 miles south of Floraville; funeral to be held Sat. afternoon, from Millstadt chapel to Floraville Cemetery; he wasn’t married, was sickly & unemployed in St. Louis for 2 yrs. The streets are awful icey [sic] at present; cars pass with chains, several big trucks were stuck up at Belleville Henry had said. Hecker people were shopping there today, Weigands, Klotz’s, Watchels, Lauts etc. The children of the Catholic School is having there Christmas program tonight at the hall, everybody invited Adm. 10¢. Mr. George Hepp celebrated his 101 yr. birthday last Friday, but is confined to his bed, suffering from a stroke recently. Mr. Henry Kessler left for Birmingham Ala. were he will spent Christmas with his sons there. The paper says more snow. & 20 degrees tonight.
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