Uncle Fred birthday; 63 yrs. today. They came up butchered 139 lb. hog @ $8.40; finished at 1 ‘oclock, sausage out of kettle & everything done. Harry Wittenauer stopped in. The Farm Bureau have meeting & show tonite & school hall. Smithton have euchre. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. & Bert [Bertille] went along to picture show in school hall, big crowd, showed pictures of 4h. club; from all over the county. Miss Werner of Hecker, leader of Busy Bee Club, has the most in county. Buddy Braun was here selling chances on box candy.
Wednesday, April 1, 1936
All fools day. Papa went out to see Uncle Adam, still the same. Bert Thompson stopped in, he said we could get a setting duck eggs 35¢ as soon as they get them takes 13 eggs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Berti went along to Belleville; raining all nite & day; papa went out to Emil’s to helped him burn hedge this afternoon, Al. Cleveland also helped him. Henry has a little cold since yesterday morn; mare colt, black, is allright. Reports is out now to be true that Joe Schilling has bought Elmer Kammler’s house here, & Elmer is to build on Werner’s lot by the blacksmith shop, as soon as Seidle has finished Eichenseers, is going to start his right across the street. Eggs are up 1¢ again now. 16¢.
Monday, Sept. 9, 1935
Rain all morning. Yesterday was Mr. Mrs. Joe Neary’s 1st year wedding anniversary. Ida Braun 2 yrs. dead. Bill Vogt & man was here, they went to Blackburn’s, delivered a hog, then went up to Henry’s & looked at the mares. Werner & guy from over by New Athens was here, looking for a drill & other tools, but ours was already sold. Papa was by Renneckers awhile, she gave him some flower slips for us to plant out. Eggs 24¢ today.
Friday, June 28, 1935
We cut in 3 gals. sour kraut [sic], bus. basket full. Leona brought Henry & Emil up, she went back had to go to Waterloo Robert to instructions. Joe Watchel was here yesterday evening awhile. Mr. Fred Werner died, buried this afternoon at Belleville, Walnut Hill cemetery. He was pretty old. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he helped shack wheat this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Vic Geodelle of Waterloo have a 9½ lb. baby girl born June 26 & Herman Miller of St. Louis have a 7½ lb. baby girl born June 21. Mr. & Mrs. Harbaugh grand parents of Waterloo.
Thursday, Oct. 25, 1934
We went down to Valmeyer Farmers Institute all day, speaking & nice program for this afternoon at Welschs Hall had some wonderful exhibits on quilts & fancy work. Few from here were down, Werner’s & Papenberg’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to the euchre at Red Bud; all got prices [sic – prizes], table clothes & runners, rug, plate & ½ gal. syrup, had 10-9-8- some 7- got prices [sic – prizes]. Mrs. Phil Gregson won the attendance prize a quilt, a beautiful one; last night went they said the euchre was called of [sic – off], we all & Ed Brand & wife & Levi Gregson & family all went over to see Miss Mary & Belle Lambert for a short while.
Saturday, June 20, 1931
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s again today. She has to do the work & watch the kids, Leona has to drive the tractor again. They was there for lunch, dinner, lunch. I seen in the paper that Miss Ursula Havey is going to school at Carbondale. That Judge Scheinder got married to Mrs. Bacblecher, they went for a honey moon trip to Calif. Colrado [sic], & a few other places. Mr. Neheaus the conctrator [sic] from Red Bud & also the Millner’s Husband died & was buried last Sun. at Steelville Ill. Tonight Harry Kammler is giving a dance again. Werner is on the sick list now. This morning I baked 4 pies, 2 cherries & 2 dewberries. There where a good many cars in town tonight & also driving through.
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