Papa is plowing again today. Ed Meng was over a little while. There was a man around selling moth & insect killing, it is something like moth balls, we bought a card for 25¢. Valentine Fritche of East St. Louis who was in a accident on July 30 on Smithon [sic] & Hecker road died and will be buried Thurs. afternoon at 3 o clock to the Mt. Hope Cemetery. He is 70 yrs. old & had 5 ribs bones broken & hip bone. Hy. Armstutz was here this eve, a little while. Ed Meng & Clifford was here, they brought a gray horse over & took the boy home, they said Nick Schefer bought it & they where going to take it out there. Today is Weyhaupt sale by Smithon [sic].
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1930
Today is Mrs. Napier’s birthday. We washed this morning. Papa went out to Henry’s. Osie Neff is butchering a cow for him, he is going to take it to Waterloo and sell it there. Papa had dinner out there & then he took some beef back to Willie Ganley’s & then brought some to Uncle Fred’s. Rosalia & Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s this afternoon & finished our dresses. This evening Rosalia & Bertille went up to see Mamie, we played cards & dominos. Mr. Fries is getting buried this afternoon at New Athens. There is also 2 funerals at Smithton, Mr. Heinrich, Mrs. Weyhaupt.
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