Wednesday, April 19, 1939

House Ins. agent was here. Pap went to Waterloo took 9 bus. wheat along @ 68 [cents]; got Berts [Bertille] shoes repaired. We went to Belleville this afternoon got wall paper for bedroom & kitchen 10 [cents] roll. Bill [Klein] came this eve. Went to Dr’s.

Monday, April 10, 1939

Easter Mon. Went to Waterloo took 12 bus. wheat in @ 65 [cents]. Went to New Hanover to Kettler to get hatching eggs & he never got our card so he had not saved only got 5 doz.; went to Leo’s had dinner there & went & ordered eggs white wyandottes from Rese’s till Wed. Leroy Haudrich & Lorreta Scharf were married a week ago today in St. Louis; had to be married during lent living with his folks now at present, picture was in paper. Alb Cleveland was here wants to work up the wood in woods for 10 [cents] load.

Monday, March 27, 1939

Cold this morn. Pap took 17 bu. wheat to Waterloo 63 [cents]; went to Odd Fellows Hall electric show. Chas. Stookey & Nichobaun sisters of KMOX were there. Aunt Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to Raffte for permanents Bert got $2. & A. [Aunt] Marys wouldn’t take, color came back again; so she cut them up short. Eggs 15 [cents]. A hair dryer & electric clock was given away at Waterloo today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went Waterloo to show. Marie Kolmer won percolator & Mitchell Electric toaster & hair dryer as attendance prize, large crowd.

Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1938

Not so cold today, 16 [degrees] this morn. Pap went out & got load wood for Emil; this afternoon got wheat at Henry’s, & got crushing done. Fire engine went down to Joe Hempe’s; machine shed burning implements burned; that is on Mrs. Albert Gregsons farm. The Officer that won at election day of Monroe Co. are giving a free dance at Pautler’s tonite. The Young People of Parish here are having a party also tonite.

Friday, Dec. 9, 1938

Cloudy & cold. Pap went to see Hoef’s. Caming was here on business for Uncle Fred & all settled for now. He came here, was at Waterloo first. We went to Henry; got few sacks of wheat to feed. Leonard Hoef was here.

Monday, Oct. 10, 1938

Beautiful day washed ironed. Pap hauled 3 loads wheat to Waterloo got 60 [cents]. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here this morn. accross [sic] street. We went to New Athens this afternoon, took 2 bus. potatoes we got 40 [cents] trade. made guess on [? – unclear] of Waalows, 25 45 & 15 some people guessed in millions; closes today the contest. Pap payed [sic] L. Matzenbacher for lime dust & hauling & [? – unclear] 15 ton & 60 lbs @ 1.45 – $45.27 that was here & out at Henrys.

Saturday, Oct. 8, 1938

Pap hauled load wheat to Waterloo it starting to get hot, got 60 [cents] a bu. We took another load in the afternoon, then went to Burksville to Zimmer’s sale, bought nothing. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were also there she bought few articles. Bert [Bertille] varnished kitchen floor this eve. after supper. Chas. McDermott, Luke’s son & Austin’s [? – unclear] brother passed away false report – he is in hospital from a fatal accident, falling of a truck several day ago. Pap went to Emil’s awhile. Bert [Bertille] listened to radio & fix curtains.

Friday, Sept. 16, 1938

Pap took 11 bus. wheat to Waterloo, got 58 [cents]. brought 50 lbs. flour along. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, cake & biscuits. Nice cool day. Man here wanted old underwear & things. Al Rausch is hauling coal for H.M. Hill this afternoon. Mr & Mrs. Alb. Crook of Poe Station have a baby boy born in Red Bud hospital last week. Mr & Mrs. Joe Schaefer left Wed. for honey moon to Nigera Falls & going to stop at Chicago visit relatives on way back then go housekeeping in there new home, just recently built by Mr. Schaefer near E. St. Louis, he works for New York Railroad Co; at E. St. Louis. Radio is good these nites, & on day time all you hear is war, don’t know yet whats going to be.

Tuesday, July 12, 1938

Another hot day. Bert [Bertille] canned pickles from Rose [Rosalia] & 1 1/2 peaches. Have spring chicken dinner. Eggs 17 [cents]. Wheat .60 [cents]. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. threshed oats at there place today. Bill [Klein] came from threshing at Cortners finished this afternoon, got our potatoes & onion. Al. Karban came awhile, came to Hecker to get ice.

Tuesday, July 5, 1938

Leo got threshers about 5 ‘ o clock; had pitchers, & machine guys for supper. Henry & family helped & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had to help at Frank Birkner’s. Henry finished wheat & oats; got 791 bus. & 45 lbs. wheat, our share 263 [and two-thirds] bu. Nic Papenberg hauled 215 bus. ours to Waterloo mill got 60 – 65 & 62. docked some from 3 to 5 [cents] bu. Harry threshed here 684 bu. we got 228 bu. our share; Weigands got tractor & small outfit.