Wednesday, June 29, 1938

Pap went to Henry’s, all day. Wittenauer made hay here. Leona came after sacks this afternoon. Wheat is 65 [cents]. Nearly everybody started threshing today. Geo. Schillings, Nic Hess; Cortners run. Frischkorns. Klotz starts Sat.

Friday, April 29, 1938

Worked garden, cut lawn etc. Harry Wittenauer is plowing, getting ready to plant corn here. Pap went to Waterloo with 19 bu. wheat @ 67 [cents] top price 75 [cents] Eggs 16 [cents]. Pap went to H. Wittenauer’s got 3 pigs $14.00. School pinic [sic] at Blackburn’s today, last day school this year. A lady here selling garments. Seen in Waterloo paper that Geo. Haudrich bought the farm right west of town from Mathilda Lippert & husband of Belleville; Armin Geodelle is now living there. Mr. & Mrs. Jermome AuBuchon of Muryphsboro [sic – Murphysboro] have a baby boy, paper reads; Red Bud.

Thursday, April 21, 1938

Nice day, warm. Cooked kettle soap. Pap went to Waterloo, with 20 bus. wheat @ 72 [cents], yesterday he got 68 [cents]. Price is 75 [cents]; he stopped at Henry’s also. Mrs. Cleveland was there to. Floyd is to get 1 lb. coffee on the Old Judge program by Susie. 3 persons on same song, policeman Song. I didn’t hear it on radio. Otto Geodelle of St. Louis, formerly of Waterloo, is in hospital, shot himself in head, but didn’t kill him, is in hospital. Pap went to see Hy. Feurer; about the signing of corn program. then he went to see Fred Weber by Smithton, about pigs. The Ladies Aid have a card party at Kammler’s tonite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came. Bert [Bertille] went along to euchre. Bert [Bertille] got first prize 11 points out of 14 games. got a straw rug, beautiful. Uncle [Fred] had 7 got box cocoa & A. [Aunt] Mary had 7 got napkins; not much of a crowd 7 tables euchre 3 or 4 pinochle, & bluey quite a few; not much at all.

Friday, March 25, 1938

Cloudy & cool this morn. hot this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] cleaned etc; sacked load wheat went to Waterloo 21 bus. got 77 [cents] pap went home. Bert got permanent by Colonial Beauty Shop came home with Leo & Rose [Rosalia] they were in from 11 till 3:30; & going back this eve. again. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came to get her coat by Mamie’s. We went out to Henry’s celebrated Rob. birthday; Geodells came out this eve. to, they were at Waterloo at the wake last nit to so had birthday today had cake etc. Started in lightening, getting bleak went home.

Wednesday, March 23, 1938

Cooler today. Pap hauled 4 loads wheat to Waterloo, got 77 [cents] 76 [cents] 75 [cents] top – 80 [cents]; wheat is getting hot; & dirty. Bert [Bertille] finished cleaning upstairs, except for washing curtains. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve; her & Bert went to lent service. Fr. Joe. Orlet had sermon. Wuller the Ex pres. of Belleville bank is to go to jail latter part of week for 15 yrs. & at 5 yrs. paroled.

Monday, March 7, 1938

We washed, ironed, patched. Pap sewed clover seed, hauled wheat to Waterloo this afternoon, 1 load from here 77 [cents], & 2 loads from Henrys 82 [cents]. top price is 84 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] took eggs to town got 14 [cents]. Lauts tearing house down today. Hoffmann from Belleville nearly all down this eve. Steve Stiffler was here this eve. on business. Sure warm.

Monday, Feb. 7, 1938

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed, patched. Pap took load of wheat to Waterloo 17 bu. @ 87 [cents]; then went on business trip. Frank Dudenhoeffer is dead 1 yr. today. Sure is beautiful day. Bert [Bertille] took 6 doz. eggs to store got 14 [cents] coming down all the time.

Friday, Oct. 29, 1937

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary up this afternoon. Clara Gregson came here till Emil got back, he was out at the place. We took load wheat – 17 bus. to Waterloo got 87¢. top is 90¢; ordered Times. H. Wittenauer is putting up hay. Henry is going to butcher a heifer again this afternoon, but it is awful warm today. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came brought apples for A. [Aunt] Mary; plow share down.

Friday, Oct. 8, 1937

Canned qt. tomatoes. Pap went to town order laying mash & hog feed brought it down this morn. Received letter from Dupo stating who won there prizes, all of St. Louis, except 1 at Dupo & Highland 2 at Belleville; anyway not us. The wedding pictures of Papenberg & Schmierbach & Armstutz’s are all in paper, all pretty good. John Braun was here; going around trying to get signers for leasing land for oil, quite a few around here have signed up. Pap took 19 bus. wheat to Waterloo got 93¢. top is 95¢. Bert stayed at Henry’s. Seen in paper that Emil Brand gave the Times Editor a paper from 35 yrs. ago; they published the news, some of the items from that paper.

Friday, October 1, 1937

Cleaned room & hall finished upstairs, only washing to do. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon fixing his basement. Pap hauled 3 loads wood today with truck. Henry brought load corn. Sure hot today. Bersche brought our sewing machine all fixed $3.50 & also took Rose [Rosalia] to there place $18.50. all varnished. Mrs. Mehrmann got 5 doz. eggs. yesterday 22¢. Wheat in paper $1.02.