Beautiful day. Pap went up to woods. Rose [Rosalia] came this morn. helped quilt; Leo is butchering at Jake’s. Uncle Fred brought A. [Aunt] Mary up to help quilt this afternoon, he came this eve; had supper. Emil was here awhile. Al. Hoffmann came to see A. [Aunt] Mary. Bert [Bertille] went along home with Rose [Rosalia] with our Whip; went with them to Paderborn euchre, didn’t win nothing had 5 points; they had 5 points; they had a dance, also had been the priest was sick, couldn’t be there.
Monday, Dec. 13, 1937
Put chains on Whip. went out butchering at Henry’s started 9 o clock; finished 2:30. everything went alright; Put cinders over the walks this morn. Heard on radio Bill Divian of Waterloo bus driver was arrested for reckless driving about 7 in St. Mary Hospital injured. So many accidents last nite & today, several people injured & some dead; roads terrible.
Thursday, July 15, 1937
Bert [Bertille] went to Henry’s got jugs; he isn’t feeling well, stomache [sic] trouble. Jac Erle came on business, we canceled the Whip Ins. Sally Neff came this eve. Pap went over to Geo Napier’s, she & kids were at Chas. Wagners threshing. Sally Neff was at Probst’s.
Thursday, Jan. 14, 1937
Raining. We washed. Pap went up town, took eggs up 20¢; got the Whip license – B.38-124. Its just raining all the time.
Friday, Jan. 8, 1937
Raining again all day. Pap went to Probst’s paid for repairs on Whip. Eichenseer’s have a new clerk Hy. Huelsmann is working there now they say. Berti got the mail, The ex post master Leohr died & buried last week; he had been ailing for quite a long time. Mrs. Walter Jauger was to taken to St. Mary Hospital for treatment, Pete Hoffmann is back at home again, but still unable to work.
Monday, Aug. 3, 1936
We washed, ironed; nice cool, put in clover hay. Jerome AuBuchon & girl of E. St. Louis, being married St. Patrick Church, in E. St. Louis this morning. Probst came looked at the Whip, the battery was dead, couldn’t get it started, got 1 of his in there now. Henry came & got limedust spreader. Louis Hofmeister of New Athens, have a baby girl from yesterday, all well. Clarence Hepp won the cedar chest at Smithon [sic] Sun. at homecoming.
Wednesday, July 8, 1936
Rained a little this morn; still pretty warm. Pap took Whip. to Probst’s got it fixed. Pabst brought 22 bus. wheat & 33 oats today.
Friday, June 26, 1936
Cleaned hen house. Bert baked bread & cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped, he took load wheat to Red Bud got 90¢. Hy Stahleber was here. Hy. Grosse of Waterloo bought. Jobrusch hand was in store, & Jobush is to be postmaster. Al. Schrieber is to be in Red Bud. Roy Gregson & Lucille Kaffai were married last Tues. morning, Alvin Kaffai & Lenora Ziebald attendants, it says in the messenger, also says that 800 men attended the Holy Name Conference here last Sun. afternoon. At 5 o clock this evening the temperature in 90 degrees. Rettinghouse came down & fixed the Whip. this morning couldn’t get it started.
Tuesday, April 21, 1936
Rain this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came she stayed here & pap went along with him to Waterloo, paid taxes, $206.84; got flour & chic mash. Minnie Staufenbiel came here to see Aunt Mary about fixing her dress for her. Pap & Uncle went to Red Bud see Schrieber garage man on trading cars; they want to get a new Chev. coupe, soon. Eggs are 18¢ at present. Mr Gus Ettling died at the home of his son Oswald at Belleville, was reported on radio. Pap took Whippet to Probst’s got it repaired & oil put in.
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