Friday, June 8, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon had lunch here, we all went out to the cemetery, cleaned lots there. M.C. Lutz manager of the Waterloo Coal & Supply had $73 stolen last Sat, while he was at Country Club Opening; they have no clue so far. Chas. McDermott spent a few day with home folks, he is now at Palos Park, Ill. Kevin McCarthy a camp boy, spent Sun with home folks; he is in Willow Springs, Ill. taking training for the reforestation camp; Mike McCarthy son Dr. Scott of Mo. is now in business with Dr. N.B. Pautler of Waterloo. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo with a load wheat, 7 bus. got 87¢, sack flour, soft wheat $3.15, went to J. Horn, got a new hub cap put on Whippet.

Monday, March 5, 1934

Papa hauled hay. We washed. Ed Neff repaired our Whippet this morning. Papa got the mules hoofs trimed [sic]. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, went up to see Louise Birkner, she is getting along pretty good; then they & Rosalia went to Belleville to John Breutigams to see Mr. John Birkner, 78 yrs. old; his wife nee Armstutz died 5 yrs. tomorrow. Mrs. Anna Helfrich, died yesterday morning at the home of this daughter, Mr. Joe Karban of Paderborn, we’ll [sic] be buried tomorrow morning 8 o ‘clock mass there. That is Nic Helfrich’s mother & George Neff’s grandma, there boy is the only great grandchild. Mr. Hill was here for news. Mr. Valentine Berg died this morning & will be buried Wed. morning 9:30 Catholic Church here, & then to cemetery. He was making his home with Ed his son, in Blackjacks age 84 yrs.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 1933

Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Henry & family where all up butchering. Uncle butchered one here also 215 lbs; they had lunch, dinner, here. Ed. Neff got our Whip. & ground the valves for $2.00 today. “Armistice Day.” Harry Kammler has a dance; tonite. Adm. 25¢ to “Len Kirk & his Missouri Ramblers” playing. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Manier moved there family & household goods to St. Louis, where he is going to start a store. We put fresh sausage & eggs on our sign.

Monday, Nov. 6, 1933

We washed, Mrs. Kurt Boll came here on business, Ms. Ettling is cashing in her insurance policy to pay Interest. There was some kind of court in Public School Hall this morning, for about 1 hr. Homeringhausen & Hill had the case, quite a few people here, from down south. Dorn & someone from Lord’s Corner where having it about dogs killing turkeys, two lawyers Freidrich & Jackson from Waterloo where both here, the case was postponed until next week. Osie Neff was here & got sow & beam scale, Henry butchered a heifer, going to sell it around tomorrow. Acker fruit tree agent was here. Ed. Neff fixed our Whip, Rosalia but [sic – put] the key in & broke it of, he took the piece out again, we had 3 flat tires on there this morn.

Thursday, Oct. 26, 1933

We all went to Waterloo this afternoon, papa went to Rechschidor he was going to have implement sale, in town, but didn’t no people came, so they called it of. We took our Whippet to Horn’s, got it repaired, greased, packing put in new breaker point put on, $6.35; but still don’t work right. Mrs. Kate Geodelle, died there this afternoon. It rained nearly all afternoon

Tuesday, Aug. 15, 1933

Holiday. We went early to church, had dinner, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went along to Belleville all got dress good hats white ones 29¢. Blowed out a tire. Uncle Fred & Papa went into Waterloo in Uncle Freds machine & got new tires for the chev, brought 1, & the other one sometime this week, we took the whip, went out to Aunt Mary’s, till they got back, had supper there, they had lunch here. We got 11¢ eggs. Mr. Jung stopped again, he pay 10½¢.

Monday, June 12, 1933

We washed, ironed. George Wagner brought our [illegible] back this morning. Henry came up with the team, & took our Whip & got 2 loads of coal & put them in the wagon here papa used his team so long working corn; he had lunch & dinner here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, cut Bert’s dress out. It sure is nice & cool today, beautiful. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Goessling have a little baby girl born Fri. nite; she was Adalia Wagner, she is pretty bad sick, had Fr. Aydt out there. Stern was called out some where.

Wednesday, June 7, 1933

We canned 4 pint peas yesterday, & having beans for dinner today. George Wagner finished up this morn. he had lunch & dinner here. Papa paid him 50¢ half day. We washed the Whippet & then drove out through the country towards evening to Nowland on Gundlach Place. Hugo Probst & Wilma Reheis are being married at 2 o clock at Smithon [sic] parsonage, she is to have white dress & wreath, & the bridemaid [sic] Irene Reheis will wear blue, Robert & Hugo wear businis [sic] suits, we had no invitiation, to the wedding dance at Daab’s Club House, so we didn’t go. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here before they went; but we where gone. Rheinhardt was to furnished music for the dance. Henry & family where up this evening.

Saturday, May 20, 1933

Papa got crushing done. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & rode along with us to Waterloo in the Whippet, went to Mrs. Schlingmans sale got all kinds of thrash; we brought our chev along back, it is all repaired now, only not the battery yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here. It was a terrible wind this evening & a little rain. Mrs. Stauenfbiel was over to see if she could find a way to get to Red Bud to confirmation tomorrow; she found a way with Pour’s.

Tuesday, March 21, 1933

It sure is cold, snow on the ground, some spring days. Papa & Henry & Bill Freund went over to East St. Louis, to get a Chev coach for Henry, Papa took the Whippet over so they could put Henry machine or body of his roadster & hauled it home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came where here for dinner, he paid his tax some thing like $400.00. Rosalia finished her dress today. Jos. Braun’s case is to come off today at court. Walter Koch was buried at Red Bud in afternoon.