Thursday, Dec. 22, 1932

Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s got a tree, & fixed it up this morn. Papa went to Hecker this afternoon & bought peanuts, candy & oranges, & paid the Whip. Ins. $5.80. We popped corn & strung it for the tree. Bertille went & mailed a few cards at the post office this evening, & brought some along back, from Josie Keller for us & Uncle Fred, & Mrs. Creses Freund from St. Louis, she is working at 13 Danford Il [? – unclear]. There is service at the Hecker church we didn’t go. They put the tree-up & decorated it at the Evangical [sic] Church, the have electric lights & also at the school house, the play is tomorrow night.

Saturday, Nov. 12, 1932

Uncle Fred came up & Hy. Armstutz shot the 2 hogs, took them out on the Whippet, & we all went out there had lunch, dinner, supper & lunch. Oscars Birkners family & Henry Brand & family where all there helping, it was a nice day. Papa & Rosalia went home & did the feeding & came back in the evening, & sugar cured the meat, & we stayed till 11 o clock taking in the radio.

Thursday, Nov. 10, 1932

Papa took the Whippet to Barthels, to get it fixed this morning, but he had no batteries. He went out to the woods this afternoon, & stopped at Henry’s & took his pigs along home. Ralph Rausch was here selling or taking orders for Sunday paper, 10¢. Roosevelt picture & history will be in Sun. Henry Kammler is having a Armistice Dance tonite, Adm. 35, music by Billy Schmidt Orcestra [sic] from Belleville, but I don’t think it was a very big crowd present.

Thursday, Sept. 22, 1932

Papa went to Waterloo this morn, & got the whippet repaired, brakes fixed, car greased & oil changed for $12.94. Mrs. Rennecker was here awhile this morn. A man around selling fish 20¢ lb. Mr. Fisher the butcher from Waterloo was here & looked at our cow, & hogs. Walter Gregson was here & bought stock roosters @ 10½¢ lb. 18 lb. This evening we drove out to George Boll’s & looked at his cow, then went & stopped in at Roy Staunfbiel & then to Uncle Fred’s awhile. There is Republican Meeting in Kammler’s Hall tonite, Henry went, sandwiches & soda free.

Sunday, July 24, 1932

We went to Red Bud, but the Chev. didn’t work so we took the Whippet & pulled the Chev. home when we came back. Joe Mueth was here on business to talk to papa, about the telephone lines. Henry was here this morning, he came up to get some whey & came down here. Martin May & daughter Rau & Ed McDermott & girlfriend Beal [?] Friel of St. Louis where stop to say “Hello” they where on there way home from Hecker. Mr. Cox an egg man got 15 doz eggs from us today for 12½¢. Miss Josie Keller & Miss Isabel McKuen of St. Louis stopped & “Hello” on there way back, they came out to the pinic [sic] of St. Mark’s church at Round Prairie, had there chicken supper there. We all had lunch at Aunt Mary’s this afternoon. George Wagner & family came over a little this morn. & look at car.

Thursday, July 7, 1932

We hung our onions up today. Papa & Bertille went down & dug potatoes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for chicken soup dinner. Papa & Uncle Fred hauled there wheat out of the house across the street out to the farm, with the whippet & his car. We all went down to dig potatoes again this evening. They started thrashing all over again this afternoon.

Monday, June 27, 1932

Today is Steve’s birthday. Karl Boll married a yr. & Gambach’s buried 2 yrs. It rained nearly all day. Papa went up town awhile this morning; got his check for $6.50 & sent the insurance for the Whippet $9.66. The bank paid out 10% again, so far it is 25% paid out. We all & George Wagner’s family went over to Rennecker’s. Steve was 68 yrs. old; cake, & beer where served. J Brown was here.

Thursday, April 21, 1932

It rained this morning. We waxed our dining room floor. Papa took the Whippet to Barthels Garage & got repairs on it. Joe Gregson & Lee where here & looked at the colts again. We planted some tomatoe [sic] plants out this morning. Papa & Rosalia shoe came, & everything is alright. Mrs. Rennecker & the teacher went to Red Bud this evening.

Tuesday, March 29, 1932

We washed, ironed, patched. The wind is so strong, it blew our clothes line to pieces. Papa went out to Henry’s with the mule, helped Henry harrow & sow oats. He had dinner there. Rosalia went & got him this evening with the Whippet. The sewing circle of Red Bud Catholic Church is giving a card party tonite. There is also one in Waterloo given by Mary & Martha Society. Seen in the paper, Mrs. Val. Fristche was suing Wm. Klotz for $10,000 for accident of him & Val Fritche in Smithon [sic] & Hecker road. Ben Neff’s had a big dance Sun. nite, being Mr. Neffs, 53 birthday. Mr. Hy. Burdhorf of Red Bud told Eliza Boll this evening that Mon. was Mrs. Burgdorf’s birthday, & that they have a daughter living far away I believe Montana, she called her & congratulation her mother, it was 2200 mile distant talk, & Mrs. was so happy she cried for joy.

Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1932

We went up to Belleville & sold 30 doz. eggs 23¢ & 2 for 45¢ sold all. Tonight is telephone meeting at Deueker’s. We all went. The members weren’t all present. Henry & family came up, played pinochle, they came here first & we weren’t at home, so they thought maybe we was by Louis Armstutz so they drove down a piece & turned around in front of Elmer Kammler house & got stuck, papa took the Whippet down & put the chains on & pulled him out. George Wagner & Steve, Louis Armstutz, Philip Jatho helped him.