Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1931

Papa was up town, it rained last night. We washed, ironed, patched. Papa went up to Barthel’s this afternoon with the Whippet, got clycerine [sic – glycerine] put in the radiator. Today is Holiday in big cities. Fred Kern was buried at 3:30 this afternoon. Tonight is a dance in Weber’s barn given by Bill Herzog, also a dance in Smithon [sic] & a birthday dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill. This morning at 10 ‘oclock, Miss Jenny Kemp had a heart stroke & died. She had fell some time ago & broke her rib, & was taken to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital at Belleville about 1 mo. ago where there she died now.

Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1931

We washed, ironed, patched, had beef soup for dinner. We went out to Henry’s got a load of wheat 13 bu. 25 lbs. 50¢ bu. took it too Waterloo, got our Whippet curtains fixed at Gentsch’s, for $2.50, then we drove out by St. Joe & got 7 roosters weighing 32½ lbs. at 15¢. the name is Valerias. We stopped at Henry’s & brought 2 qts. milk along home. Today was election of Co. Comissioners [sic], Kettler & Edler. Kettler was in Hecker, & Waterloo. Papa got a check from Hempe Bro. $30.00. Mrs. Stauenfbiel was here this afternoon but we weren’t at home, she called us up this eve.

Friday, Oct. 2, 1931

Leona brought Henry up with the car then went back home again.  He was here for lunch, dinner, then he took the tractor home & pap the team, Rosalia went out with the Whippet to get him.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon & put there stove in, cleaned it all out.  The transfer is in the paper, selling land to Oswald Neff.  The Braun Children bought their farm back again for $4,000.00, that is Henry Brauns farm.  Joe Wacthel had his house refrishents [sic -refreshens?] with a new coat of paint, the last few days.  The Hoffman Garage was leased by Nobbe Co. into which Nobbe will move Oct. 1.  The carpenters are busy this week, tearing down the old frame porch of the parsonage at Waterloo, to which a new one will be erected, & also a garage, which will make things look different.  In Waterloo they now park there cars in the middle of the street, that is Main St.’s.  Mrs. Harry Wittenauer is at present in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, undergoing treatment.

Thursday, Sept. 24, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up after wheat, he wants to sow some today.  Papa is hauling coal.  He got the oil changed in the Whippet at Barthel’s 8952 miles.  Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s this afternoon we helped to clean the summer kitchen & baked 2 cakes, for the birthday Sun.  We had lunch there.  We picked 1½ bu. tomatoes this evening, & cut 1 bu up for cathsup [sic] & cooked & strained them.  Eggs are 19¢ a doz. we sold a rooster spring today, a man stopped.

Thursday, July 30, 1931

Papa & Rosalia are fixing fence along the road this morning.  I noticed this morning that Lester Gregson has a new truck to haul milk, now.  There was 2 ladies here & wanted something to eat, there machine broke & they & the family had nothing to eat, so we gave them a half loaf bread & sausage, they didn’t have no money, some gas station gave 2 gals. to go on they said.  I seen in the paper that Mrs. George Schilling got $50 for the turkey’s that was killed by stray dogs.  Bill Haudrich & Florence Buss where published last Sun. for the first time.  Hecker ball team where lucky last Sun. they both won, one at Valymer [sic] & the other with Hecker & Red Bud.  Papa drove up to Barthel’s to get the Whippet repaired.  Eggs are 14¢ now.  Alvera Braun is awful bad sick the way we heard, she is in bed all the time now, swollen so bad.

Wednesday, July 8, 1931

We went out to Uncle Freds, & finished the hay & also a dress, we where there for lunch, dinner.  We took her along up as far as Hy. Birkner’s to help for thresher’s, on our way home.  This afternoon Mr. Hill was here collecting telephone dues.  In the evening we drove to Freeburg to see Ed. Classin about some wire, but it is the same price as Hecker, so we didn’t take any.  We stopped at Barthel’s & paid the Whippet battery recharged for $1.50.  When we got home George Wagner came over & said Henry was calling for us, so I called out but got no answer.

Wednesday, June 24, 1931

Odillo Eichenseer was here this morn trying to fix our Whippet, but he couldn’t, him & Papa drove up to Barthel’s got a coil, still it wouldn’t go.  Then he went home for dinner, afterwards tried it again, but still wouldn’t work, so Papa & Rosalia pulled it up to Barthel’s garage.  Mr. Wm. Harbaugh from Foster Pond was here trying to sell us some Moorman’s Mineral, but we still had it out in the chicken house yet.

Monday, April 6, 1931

Papa went to Waterloo to the Court House today to hear what the lawyers got to say about the stockholders of the Hecker Bank.  Bertille went to church this morning.  We washed the Whippet this afternoon.  Jac. Erle was here this morning.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Philip Freund were all here this evening, then we all went to the Euchre & dance given by the Catholics.  Adm. as enter 35¢.  Papa had 6 points & got a shawl, & Rosalia 5 points & got a tie, Bertille only had 3.  There were only 8 games played.  The bed spread was won by Raphael Neff, & Bertha Weber, & Marie Rausch got a choice on quilt & lumber jacket.  Eggs are 15¢ today.

Sunday, April 5, 1931

Today is Easter.  Henry & family were here for breakfast.  The rabbit laid the boy’s egg again.  This afternoon we drove out to Uncle Fred’s but there was no one at home, so we drove out past the cemetery, but we couldn’t get in their, the gate was locked shut then we drove back home again.  Then we went to Waterloo, Coxeyville to see Mr. Miester Jr. the fellow that bought our horses, but they sure do look bad.  We came back home again about 3:30.  Papa went up town.  Bill Matzenbacher has a new Whippet, everybody getting new cars.  There was a man here, wanted to buy eggs, but we wanted 20¢ & he wouldn’t pay that.  There was a man here from Belleville & bought 2 doz. for 20¢.  Odillo Eichenseer & Angela drove down here with his car & showed it to us.  This evening Philip & Bill came & then we went along with them to Belleville to a show.  “It Pays to Advertise” was the name of it.

Saturday, March 7, 1931

It rained nearly all night, & this morning snowing.  Today is Mrs. John McCarthy Sale.  Papa went this afternoon.  He took the Whippet, he said he see the road back there how it was, & if he couldn’t get through he would let his machine stand by Caldwell’s.  Papa heard this morning at Hecker that Ed. Gregson living along the hard road down towards Red Bud died.  Papa took Clifford along to the sale, they left the machine stand, & walked to the house, but there was no more than about 2 dozen people there, so the sale was postponed until Thurs. afternoon.  Ike Napier & Ed. Meng where there also, they left the machine stand to, by the Portland School & walked there.  Eggs are 18¢ today.