Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morn. & Papa went out to Oscar Birkner’s. This afternoon he went out in the woods. Fr. Grootens & Frank Swindle were here this evening & looked at our new pigs, they said “they are sure nice.” H.M. Hill was reporting the news to the Belleville Papers that the Hecker bank shut its doors. I seen in the Waterloo Times that Miss Helen Keckritz & a Cowell from Red Bud had a collision & Miss Keckritz machine got on fire & was completely pushed off the road & all damaged, it happened between Red Bud & Waterloo, she & a few more friends were going to the Brickey School, when the accident happened. I believe she has a new Whippet now. Emmett Cowell of Red Bud, the store manager of there was fined $102 (he had no license) for buying furs of a certain kind. Robert Basecher 19 of Red Bud & Miss Fern Gully 20 of the same place were married last week. Dr. Fentor also of Waterloo was in a collision in E. St. Louis & Mr. & Mrs. Fenton & their niece was hurt seriously. Henry Kessler of Hecker has just passed his 70th birthday anniversary & says he is going to withdraw from the Woodmen.
Monday, Dec. 15, 1930
Today we are butchering one hog again. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here for lunch & dinner. Aunt Mary mixed some Caramel Cookie Recipe together. Rosalia went up town this evening and got some air & gas in the Whippet. Our Belleville News Democrat won’t come the same day it is printed anymore, because it don’t pay the bus driver to bring it along, because not many people here get that paper.
Thursday, Dec. 11, 1930
We washed, ironed, fry down meat & sausage today. Arlene Klotz is 4 yr. old today. Papa went out in the woods this afternoon. We sent a check to the Mutual Auto Ins. Co. for the Whippet $7.18. Today Father Powell is getting buried at O’Fallon & Miss Baetje at Smithton. This evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s & listened to there radio & victrola. She baked caramel cookies.
Saturday, Dec. 6, 1930
Papa got some crushing done this morning. This afternoon Mrs. Lutz property is getting sold. Papa went to the sale. Mr. Hill was auctioneer. Rosalia & Bertille went to church this afternoon & then we also went down to the sale, Papa bought some fruit jars and pie cake pans .50¢ it was a pretty cheap sale. Papa bought a wash stand for Oscar Birkner for $3.00. We brought it home on our Whippet truck. Aunt Mary came up with Oscar Birkner’s wife in the buggy. There sure were a lot of people got crushing done today. They finished this evening about 8 o’clock.
Tuesday, Dec. 2, 1930
We washed & hung it in the basement this morning. Papa went to Waterloo to get his watch & get the Whippet fixed. We fried down a quart of shoulder meat this morning. Today is Frances Schilling’s birthday, she is 24 years old. We took the screens off this afternoon. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here, they brought us a liver & blood sausage along up. Henry & Emil were also here. Henry sold his boar pig to Ed Meng it weighted 174 lbs. & at .9¢ a lb. Eggs are .33¢ at the store.
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1930
Mrs. Alfred Stahl got buried yesterday afternoon at Smithton. She died in the hospital Friday at 6:30 in the evening. She was operated for gall stones about 4 weeks ago. Rosalia & Bertille went to Henry’s this afternoon to iron and help to work. They are sewing wheat, he wants to finish tomorrow. Mr. Hill was here this evening & collected telephone dues. We found 39 eggs today. Papa got the oil changed in the Whippet last Sat. in Waterloo, 6505 miles.
Monday, Oct. 13, 1930
Today the banks are closed on account of Columbus Day yesterday. Wm. Meister Jr. was here this morning and looked at our horses, he bought them both for $45.00. Mr. Burkhardt was here this morning too. Mr. Meister rode the horses home so Papa had to take his truck home. Rosalia had to take the Whippet and get Papa. They was up by Coxeyville. Bertille went out to Henry’s. She helped Leona wash this afternoon. We washed and ironed this morning. Henry & family were at Peter Reheis yesterday. Frank Dudenhoeffer and wife, George Duscan, Lester Hoefner & wife, daughter Virginia, Val Adam & family, Louis Dudenhoeffer family from St. Louis & Shads from Columbia, Jake Reheis & family, Gus Geodell & family, Edwin Reheis & Emil Bestman were all there. We found 38 eggs today. Edwin Watchel had a accident last night, but he isn’t hurt, the machine is smashed & bent up every which way. He hit another car & turned his over in the ditch by Grossheim’s it happened. Rosalia took 3 doz. eggs off & got .25¢ a doz.
Tuesday, August 5, 1930
It is awful cloudy this morning but no rain yet. We washed this morning. Aunt Mary called up and wanted us to get their stove for them. They came up for dinner, we had chicken. After dinner we went & loaded the range on the Whippet & took it out there. Then the stove pipes didn’t fit. Then Rosalia & Bertille took Uncle Fred’s machine and went to Hecker & got one of our stove pipes. We had lunch out there this afternoon. Henry called up this evening & said he was going to fan clover seed tomorrow morning so Papa is going out there.
Monday, July 28, 1930
Today is Henry Eichelmann’s sale, 3 miles east of Waterloo. Uncle Fred came up this morning and Papa took the horses & went down & got Henry Armstutz’s wagon to haul the lumber home & kindling what they bought by the new school house. Rosalia & Uncle Fred hauled it with the Whippet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner. After dinner they went home & dressed & came back again. Then we all went to Henry Eichelmann’s sale. It was late till we got back again. Everything went pretty cheap back there.
Thursday, July 10, 1930
Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo & took 5 bus. wheat along & got .77¢ bus. They got the oil changed in the Whippet. 5150 miles. This afternoon Papa & Bertille took 16 bus. to Freeburg & got .78¢ bus. That was all wheat from out at Henry’s. Clarence Pabst hauled a load to Freeburg from down there and got 78 & .63¢ bus. He charged $3.50 to haul it there. Bertille was up at the store this afternoon. Mrs. George Gambach is awful sick at present. Rosalia went across the street awhile to talk to Ida.
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