We went to 6 o clock mass. Ed Meng was here yesterday morn, wanted to buy hog for market price; but papa won’t sell none like that yet, for that price, 335 100 lbs corn. Arthur Budde, Cecil Starr husband, was here trying to trade cars, he is working for Berdeker Garage at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she went to church. Henry & family came up too; they sold almost all of there beef at Waterloo today. We had popcorn. Bertille went up to the dentist & paid $11.50, he had costumers [sic] waiting this morn. Steve Rennecker brought our trees along from Red Bud, what Kirsch replaced. There was stock sale at Rutz’s barn today. Christ Buehler bought 7 hogs 125 to 150 lbs. for $35.00, Steve said, corns brought $45 & $50.00. Wincklein Auctioneer. George Boll went around town selling beef today, he sold hindquarters 15 front 13 soup meat 11¢.
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