Had beef soup dinner. Pap’s birthday 61 yrs. old. Clemens Schlotmann Sr. of Red Bud died will be buried Fri. morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & pap went down to see him this afternoon, he just had a stroke 10 o’clock yesterday morn. 69 yrs. they went home & came back again for supper; Henry & family & Leo & family & Bill [Klein] were here this eve. Bert [Bertille] put a piece over radio, German Band for a whole set, birthday. Minnie Staufenbiel, was here wants to go along to funeral Fri. at Red Bud. Ralph Wiegand accessor came this eve.
Tuesday, April 6, 1937
Washed, ironed. Pap went to Belleville with hogs. Wm. Karban was here looking for oats. Leo & Rose came had dinner here, we all went to Henry’s, seen the chix, only got 250 & 130 were dead, surely a mess; Rose’s never came at all, so far; then we went to Columbia to Hermann looked at cows & pigs, made trade, went to Leo & Rose tonite; Mr Orlet, Jake & Is. were there & J. Mueth. Ladies Aid have euchre tonite, but we didn’t go; Fred Wiegand got quilt played by bluey. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up he got prize.
Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1934
Leona & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary all were here papering all day, had dinner, Brand’s also had supper here, Henry is harrowing here. We went to Red Bud to the drawing, none of us were lucky. Fred Wiegand, Mary Braun, were the only lucky ones from Hecker. It was an awful crowd.
Saturday, Oct. 22, 1932
Papa got crushing done this morn. Mr. John Wiegard 30 & Mamie Kleber 21 are getting married today at Smithon [sic], with Fred & Dorthy as best, sister to the bride, & brother of the groom. They are having a dance at the Brick House, but we aren’t invited. George Boll & Ike Napier where going around selling hog meat today, we didn’t take any on account Henry butchering; he sold pork saussage [sic] & hams for 12½ & the rest for 10¢, so did Henry. Mrs. Stauenfbiel came over to see if she could ride down with us to Red Bud in the morning, she wants to go to church there.
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