Uncle Matt stopped and boy’s, wanted to see pap about cutting trees in the woods, some people cut in his, & he was satisfied, thought maybe he wanted to let them cut in ours to. Rosalia came wanted pap help make hay. We went this morn. had dinner, lunch & supper. Mr. Orlet & Isd. came yet had lots help. Geo. Schilling started threshing this afternoon. We got card was invited to Red Bud to installation of new pastor Fr. Spors, Wed. eve. & Thurs. eve, got card to late, was all over already.
Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1936
Pap went in woods all day. Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s went along to E. St. Louis with them got permanents at Esther Beauty Shop on Sinclair Ave. for $2.50 a piece, pretty good so far. We got bu. apples for $1.25 willow twigs. Pete Hoffmann is in St. Louis hospital pretty sick, they say; we went shopping at E. St. Louis. stores this afternoon, met Maggie Grassheim & Pour brothers over there.
Sunday, November 1, 1936
Went to mass All Saint’s Day. Henry & family had dinner & supper here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, him Henry & pap went up to look around in woods. Some people have looked at heifers etc. Pautlers has free dance musci [sic] Rythm [sic] Kings.
Thursday, Sept. 24, 1936
We cleaned bedroom, washed curtains etc. this morn. Pap went out to the woods finish counting trees. Rose & Bert went out to Uncle Freds, helped her with her dress that she brought, had lunch, & watermellons [sic]. George Boll was here selling sweet potatoes, 3¢ lb. we have some ourselves. Isn’t so bad $1.65 a bu.
Thursday, April 16, 1936
Cool & windy today. Pap went up in woods again had dinner at Henry’s. Rose & Berti went to Waterloo to the colonial Beauty Shoppe got permanents made, all ringlets Frederic & Boy! they sure are pretty, $3.00 waves; there is just 2 girls working there Marg. Davis & Bertha Sauerwein; & are very nice, took 3 hrs. for both of us. Arlene Klotz is as good as can be expected. The Tiptown Parish have a card party in the school hall there tonite; pretty cool for it tonite.
Tuesday, March 31, 1936
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he & papa went up to work in the woods again, had supper here. Aunt Mary & Rose went over to see Mrs. Staufenbiel, Aunt took goods over for her to make a dress. Levi & Jack Ganley got 2 loads hay; Mr. Jake Erle stopped in. A fellow here form Muryphsboro [sic] selling apples, Aunt Mary bought 1 pk. Sure cold this morning 28° above; ground froze hard last nite.
Wednesday, March 25, 1936
Beautiful day, cleaned upstairs, washed curtains etc. Pap went worked in woods this morn; put the brooder stove & fixed the roof on the brooder house, getting it ready for chicks. Mrs. Rennecker got 1 qt. milk. Clifford Stahlehebers have a baby girl born Mar. 14. Mrs. Zita Carrol is ill with plurisy [sic] & heart trouble; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came for services. We went to Red Bud lent devotion.
Tuesday, March 24, 1936
Pap is working in the woods. The Ford garage dealer was here, left us a calander [sic] & almanac. Trast from Waterloo. Bert Thompson came to look at the colt. We went out to Henry’s; this evening, on Robert’s birthday 10 yrs. old, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to see Uncle Adam first, then stopped at the birthday. Joe Buss’s family came there to see the barn he has for sale, so they all came in the house; Mrs. Buss birthday will be Thurs. Berti milked this eve. Rose fells pretty good but still has a lump yet. Montgomery Ward Or. came today. Berti’s dress is pretty aqua, greenish blue, 34, little big.
Monday, March 23, 1936
Rain this morning. We got radio now, Joe Griffin fixed it. We bought apples from a guy from Muryphsboro [sic] this morn. Pap went out in the woods, stopped to see Uncle Adam first, he is pretty good. Berti got 16¢ for eggs. Thunder, lighten [lightning] & rain this evening.
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