Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are up, she went to church. Pap went out in the woods all day. Rose got some honey for Leona from Mrs. Rennecker yesterday; she has the mumps now; since yesterday morn; all swollen this morn. Mr. Ed Pabst came, went up in the woods to see dad; he wants to rent the ground again. There is all kind of bargain sales, the Mahler Clothing Store of Waterloo, delivered paper sale, beginning tomorrow, house slippers 09¢, suits $5. for men, ladies dress $1. silk spring coats $1.99, closing out sale, for 2 days, they just began about 3 weeks ago. The new store here in town Ray Wittenauers has posters around, opening special sale Sat., also buy poultry & eggs; & giving a souvenirs, & food, sample demonstration.
Saturday, Feb. 29, 1936
Leap year. Papa went in the woods all day. Wagners got 1 lb. butter & cheese. Renncker, 1 lb. butter, 1 pt. cheese, Lauts ½ butter, 1 pt. cheese. Henry stopped in he got crushing done. Eggs dropped again 21¾¢ on radio. Beautiful day. There was a sale at Ruma, painted dishes, lot of furniture & license. Good radio nite.
Friday, Feb. 28, 1936
Papa went working in the woods all day. S. Rennecker got milk. Ed Pabst came to see pap, he can’t rent the ground this year. Loyd is working at the foundry at Belleville now. Kalbfleisch of Millsdadt looked at the mare. Leo Kohler of Waterloo bought the Dalkert residence on South Church St. & Mrs. Aug. Wagner bought Ralph Collins place.
Thursday, Feb. 27, 1936
Berti has the mumps on both sides. Pap went in the woods this afternoon. Clara Wagner came & got 3 cheese balls for 10¢ sell them 40 doz. Colder this morning, ground frozen hard. Made 2 lbs. butter.
Thursday, Dec. 12, 1935
Emil’s birthday. Berti baked cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up in the woods & got load rack; took milk & butter along home. Fredrick Fritsche came asked if he could go hunting here. Papa told him it was alright. Uncle brought the Belleville paper along up for us to read, they get it daily now. Mrs. Arthur Hepp was in the hospital, tonsils taken out. Steve Neff’s have a baby born at hospital. Willie Krehers have also a baby girl born Dec. 5. Webers Quarry is to be moved from Harbaughs farm to Rittmeyer’s, Weber has taken the Claus house in town, to pieces & will erect it out at the Quarry. Eichenseers have a new Chev. which costs $791.00 complete, trunk etc.
Saturday, Nov. 30, 1935
Papa went to Jack Dugan’s & bought a sow for $25.00. got crushing done this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up to the woods & got load rock. Ed. Meng was over awhile. Henry was here & got block & taggle, to butchered a beef soon. Horn’s funeral & in Waterloo & Dehn at Red Bud this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & Rose & Berti went along to Oak Grove, Adm. 10¢, he paid it, Blossom City Orch; not much to it; one at Burksville also; at Waterloo.
Tuesday, Nov. 26, 1935
We all went up in the woods, took dinner along, but it started in to rain, came home at 12’o clock, rained all afternoon. Berti baked cookies; & we put quilts together; have the “Goose Track” all set together & border on; now started the stitched one. Bernice Wagner came, selling chances on a turkey to be raffled out on Dec 24. at the Public School House, we took 1, 10¢ each kid has 20 chances to sell – 3 – 25¢. Pierre Laut was also here, but we can’t take chances from all of them. Mr. Geo Dehn of Ellis Grove died at 3:20 this afternoon, he was ailing for quite awhile, had 3 pralatic [sic – paralytic] strokes. Mrs Rennecker’s brother.
Thursday, Oct. 24, 1935
Papa went in the woods this morning. Henry brought a load corn; nice day, warm; Wheat sign up meeting at Kammlers Hall this morning; to fill application blanks. Armin Geodelle has a new ford card. V-8. Mr. Wolf real estate agent of Freeburg was here to see papa. We all went up in woods this afternoon, made wood. Hilda Klube is at Reheis’s since last Thurs; they are putting a new floor in part of house; Geo. Reheis is helping; Walter, Hilda & Annie, were up through town this afternoon; they are to be married on Oct. 30, Annie Birthday.
Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1935
Canning peaches. Papa went up in the woods; this morn, & afternoon; counted trees what they cut down. Henry & Mr & Mrs Cleveland went to Centralia after peaches today; left 5:30 this morning. The motor cop examined the track what Wittenauer made, & said they should measure it, so pap did & it was 100 ft. were the colt was throwed. Tonite is Coummity [sic] Pinic [sic] in Red Bud Band concert & drawing of tickets, boxing wrestling matches, & dance in City Hall beginning at 10’o clock; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Red Bud, to the drawing. Mrs. Leonard Hoef won $7.50 in trade; in 10¢ ticket, Rosalia won a box paint & polish & radiator cleaner for Machines; in 10¢ ticket & Rita Pour & Mrs. Wm. Keonistien were among the winners from Hecker, also Noell Roscow; between drawings was tap dancing by A. Buchreon’s kids & singing by Box Chorus, with Dr. Schmidts wife Director, & 3 boys sang “Home on the Range,” “Isle of Carie” & “Old MacDonalds Farm,” Shade of the Old Apple Tree. Drawing of $1.00 tickets, Henry Steibel winning the $15.00 in trade, had all nice prizes, & large crowd present.
Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1935
Pap cut grass & hay. The timber boss came with the checks, ours was 2055 ft. @ 3½¢ $71.92 & Ganley had 2882 ft. $100.87. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped went to Red Bud. We went down to Red Bud church, bought a few articles, another 11 doz jars.
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