Monday, Aug. 5, 1935

We washed; ironed. Papa went in the woods. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Bernice got 1 dz. eggs. The prizes at Smithon [sic] yesterday were won $100.00 by Wil Grossman $50.00 Quirin girl; Eichenseer won a quilt, there was $25.00 & set harness & 22 quilts all for 10¢ chance. Bud Braun & Roy Neff was here selling chances for the pinic [sic] on 28th Aug. pap took one.

Friday, July 26, 1935

Papa went up in the woods, trimming cleaning some of the wood. Limestone fellow was here again. Wagner kids & Lucinda was here, selling chances for church pinic [sic] on the Aug. 28; we took one. Wagner’s family were here. Not much news in Waterloo paper. We got our picture.

Thursday, Feb. 22, 1934

Washington’s Birthday; snowed last night, colder today. We all went out in the woods this afternoon.

Thursday, Dec. 17, 1931

Papa working in the woods. We & Henry’s family where all at Albert Cleveland’s this eve. had 2 tables pinochle.

Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1931

Henry & Leona went to Belleville left the kids here. Mrs. Johnny Reheis died this morn. around 1 o’clock, she will be buried Fri. afternoon, she was sick for a time, had cancer. We all went to the wake this eve. stayed till about 12 o clock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where going to stay all night. Ben Kerber a sales agent was here. Papa was in the woods this afternoon.