Rain & colder this morn. Bert [Bertille] took all the flowers out, put them in basement. Lena Meng was here awhile, stopped in on way home from town. Last nite was Wustmarket at Memorial Hall in Waterloo given by Catholics; also entertainment paper said. Leo & family came, he has sick colt, the one from us, he called Doc. Miller of Waterloo from here, he came here, & we all went to Leo’s, has swollen leg, both front ones; gave him stuff to rub on them, has an awful lot of pain, can’t lie down.
Sunday, Oct. 2, 1938
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Leo & family all had dinner here. Went to Paderborn to Totsch’s, wustmarket & free dance & crowd musci [sic] by girls. Joe Freund & Vivian Grahleherr were published last time today, & Jack Ganley & girl from St. Louis for 1 – 2 – 3 time. Fr. Aydt was pretty sore made sermon.
Saturday, Sept. 24, 1938
Ralph Ettling here on business. We went to Smithton, this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] got yeast from Wagner’s took 3 bottle catsup over for Firemens pinic [sic] tomorrow, wustmarket. Wittenauers cutting alalfa [sic] here today. Emil was over got step ladder, to fix his garage door. Clyde Mueth was in Belleville jail for couple days, came out this afternoon. Beautiful eve.
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