Not so cold today, 16 [degrees] this morn. Pap went out & got load wood for Emil; this afternoon got wheat at Henry’s, & got crushing done. Fire engine went down to Joe Hempe’s; machine shed burning implements burned; that is on Mrs. Albert Gregsons farm. The Officer that won at election day of Monroe Co. are giving a free dance at Pautler’s tonite. The Young People of Parish here are having a party also tonite.
Wednesday, April 28, 1937
Raining all day. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, Eggs 16¢. Henry, Leona & Billy [Willis] were up, Henry went to dentist Dr. Lark, here in town. The Young People Ladies Sodality are giving a pinochle & euchre party tonite, in school hall. Bert went had 7 points, didn’t win nothing Ray Wittenauer won pillow cases attendance prize; crowd wasn’t so large, weather & roads spoiled it, had nice prizes; lot of pillow cases.
Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1937
Leo & Rose came, we all went to E. St. Louis to National House, but was no business, couldn’t make use of the $35. check anyway; went shopping awhile, stoped [sic] at Belleville on way home. Pretty nice day, not so cold. The Hecker Y.P.League having a euchre & dance tonite. Misci [sic] by Kattinger Vagabonds. Sparks May & Laber girl & another girl. There is also euchre & dance given at Paderborn church hall tonite. Alois Roth & Gertie came took Bert along to Paderborn, had a large crowd, we didn’t get no prize, had 5 points. Leo & Rose didn’t get none either. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to the Y.P.L. euchre, they only played 8 games, they both had 5, got percolator, & meat platter; but the crowd wasn’t very large. It isn’t so cold tonite. Skaer Bro. played at Paderborn.
Sunday, Nov. 8, 1936
Much colder today, we went to mass. The Y.P.L. have a play & dance at Kammler’s hall tonite. Welcome Home Town Visitor, it was real pretty; players were Julius & Marjorie Rausch, Roland, Lyle & Veronica Rausch, Harold Wagner, Lee Howery, Als. Eckert.
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, got there liver sausage & kettle grease; had lunch, we washed, ironed, rendered lard got 3 gals. Papa went in woods. The Y.P.L. has a euchre & dance in Kammler’s Hall tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, then Ros & Bert went along up to the euchre. Uncle was the lucky one, he got prize, a flower vase, had 7 points, we had 6, played 12 games; then danced but Moonlight Orch; the prizes weren’t so nice, pretty nice crowd; Mrs. Milton Wagner won attendance prize. There is also euchre & dance at Paderborn.
Thursday, April 25, 1935
Papa is fixing fence again, will soon be finished now. The Y.P.L. of Hecker, are giving a play intitled [sic], “Gates to Happiness” tonite at Kammler’s Hall; Adm. 35¢ dancing after play. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went up, but it wasn’t so nice, no pep at all; Characters were: Hy. Spalt, Clarence & Ralph Rausch, Harold Wagner, Floyd Thompson: Carol Papbenberg, Vernice Rausch, Marjorie Rausch, Mrs. Arthur Hepp, Alsace Eckert. The hall was crowded. Irene Reheis, furnished musci [sic]. Rev. Hasto painted the backgrounds, furniture came from N. Athens. Papa took load wheat to Red Bud, 90¢, got sack chic mash. Mrs. Gambach & daughter have a new 1935 model Chev Sedan; today. There were gypsies at J. Kaltwasser’s today, ransacked the place, took coffee & bread.
Thursday, March 8, 1934
Snowed last night. We made ice cream this morn. Rosalia took eggs up got shipstuff got 15¢ for eggs at Eichenseer’s. We got cheese again from Mertz. The Y.P.L. are having a euchre in Kammlers Hall tonite; not a very big crowd, I don’t imagine, we didn’t go. George Wagner was here, says he will butcher Sat. if weather permits.
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1934
Papa hauled a load of wood. Rosalia went over to Renneckers quilting this afternoon; it is for the church. Cloudy & warmer, today. We got 3 lbs. cheese at Mertz’s store, from Talbots. Robert Laut engaged a hog here this morning for next Tues. about. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for church, Rosalia went along with here. Eggs 13¢ by Mertz. Rosalia had supper by Renneckers, it is a Lover’s Knot Quilt white & yellow. The Y.P.L. are praticing [sic] a play.
Monday, July 21, 1930
Bertille went to church this morning. Papa is spreading lime dust. Rosalia is on the sick list, too much beer last night I guess. There was a machine, the Karr Range Co., they had a victorola in it then those big horns on top of it. They played all kinds of pieces, “Just a Precious Little Thing Called Love.” “I Fall Down and Go Boom,” “Romana.” Bertille took 2 doz. eggs to the store & got .18¢ a doz. The leghorn spring are .17¢. White & Red Rocks are over 2 lbs. .21¢ and under 2 lbs. .18¢. Yesterday the Young People’s League of Hecker had their outing in Rittenmyer’s woods by their clubhouse. It rained awful by Peter Dehns today the way Mrs. Rennecker told Katie Klotz. It just sprinkled a little here. It didn’t amount to anything. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here a little while this evening, but it started to get cloudy so they went home. They wanted to go to Adam Eckerts yet from here, but I don’t think they did. It is Edmund Eckerts birthday. It rained pretty hard for awhile this evening, thundered & lightning, wind.
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