Washed, ironed etc. Leo & Rose came. he let the young black mare $90.00 home & pap rode the bay mare; they bought the block was down last nite looked them over. J. Zipfel of Red Bud stopped in. Report is Manda is somewhat better, she was very low Sat. afternoon.
Wednesday, June 3, 1936
Clarence Braun & fellow that stays at Weber’s got the horse he rode him home, comes from Ark. last week, & is working for Weber now. Pap & Rose went to Red Bud to see Zipfel about little chixs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came worked the garden etc, has a good heavy rain last nite, surely was nice, but lot of wind, broke some trees down by Hills & Renneker’s; not here. Henry came up cut clover hay this afternoon, had lunch. Rose & Bert went to Geo. Wagners to coffee demonstration; for supper, those present were all invited guests, Mrs. Geo. Harry & Elmer Kammlers, Mrs Pickett, Mrs. Chas. & Milton Wagner, Mrs. Bill Probst, Lena Meng, Mr. & Mrs. Mehrmann, Mrs. Laut, few ordered the coffee 2 lbs. 67¢, Mrs. Geo. Kammler is going to give a supper on June 17, at her place. Olivia Laut had one to at 1:30 this afternoon for invited guests; also. Bert went to Renneker’s got pt. honey for Henry, seen her coffee dripper & bowls she got. Mrs. Pickett won door prize at Wagner’s, a bowl. We went out to Ed. Parkers to see about chixs, didn’t take none, then went to Heyl’s Hatchery in Waterloo & got 149 chix, $6.50 100, mixed.
Saturday, April 4, 1936
Pap went out to haul wood again this morning. Lot of news on the radio of Hauptmann; & flood all over in Southern State & a tornado passed through Georgia & South Carolina, quite a few injured, & killed, 1000 are homeless, houses blewn [sic] to pieces. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came he went in the woods to get rock. R. Zipfel of Red Bud brought us our chicks – 305 – 280 @ 9.25 – $25.90 & 25 that pap won as attendance prize; we got 75 lbs. slartine [unclear – possibly starting] a mash along free, 25 lbs. with every 100 chicks; there all pretty nice White Rocks. Joe Griffin came & put us a new A. battery radio for half price $1.50, it works pretty good now, Steve Rennecker was here, collecting telephone dues. Eggs are only 15¢ now here; 16¢ on radio this morn.
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1936
Cleaned chicken house. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here all day, had dinner, he took wheat to Waterloo got 98¢. Pap & him went to see Armbruster’s at Paderborn, to buy hogs, there’s were all sold; so then they went to Red Bud to Burdgorfs bought 2 ours 205 lbs. @ 10¢; brought them along. Klein’s bros. came bought sow & pigs $60.00. Pap & Uncle went out to Henry’s sharpened butcher knifes & get things, tools. Alois Havey came, pap paid him, $6.00 for repair chimney, guttering, spouts. The foundry man at Belleville ain’t working yet. Loyd Pabst & Al Voges brought load corn yesterday. Lester Bruns have a baby girl born last Thurs. Jan 9. Mrs Pour is maid. We went to Red Bud Mon. nite to see the purina show, Hidden Harvest, sure good, about 500 people attended at City Hall Mr. Luhr, Zizfel, managers. 3 attendance prizes were given, pap won 1st. 25 baby chicks any kind, H. Hess 2nd 25 lbs. startina, 3rd Rusel Lee feeder chick.
Thursday, May 23, 1935
Went to Belleville, papa got 3 teeth pulled by Dr. Wagner $3.50 was allowed $1 for gold crown on tooth. Rose & Bert went to Red Bud, went to Felcias Roscows got dress pattern, & we got 2 sacks feed from Zipfel. Rose took 6 doz. eggs. 21¢. Dr. Smith of Red Bud, his wife left him Sat., also Krehns fired hired girl. Henry came after wire stretcher, this evening.
Wednesday, May 15, 1935
Ironed patched, cleaned little chick house. Rose went to Red Bud to Zipfel to get chick feed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, him & papa went to Waterloo on business; cut Rosalia’s dress out. Aunt Mary & Rose went over to Mrs. Staufenbiels to get patterns. Bertille got chain letter from Mrs. S. Heller St. Louis today & sent it on again. Mr. Jim Purtle, was buried at Red Bud church & cemetery this morn, from the home of his son George, aged 92 yrs. made his home with a daughter of St. Louis; was a very large funeral; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, wanted to stay for church, but it started in to rain, they then went home.
Tuesday, May 7, 1935
Ironed, patched this morning. Papa went to Red Bud, got 100 lbs. growena, from Zipfel. We went out to Henrys this afternoon cleaned hall & papered kitchen. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, & we all went to the Catholics euchre, & what a crowd, not many prizes, $1.00 attendance prize was won by Clyde Pautler, of Evansville, 11 points was the highest, Max Welabacher took 1st prize, get 25 chip from Ed Parker, Bertie had 3 got bottle white shoe cleaner, Uncle got stationary, rest got nothing.
Monday, April 15, 1935
We washed, ironed, & what a day terrible windy & cold, my! clothes freezing stiff on the line, imagine, sun shining. Papa went up town with the eggs; got 21¢. They say there was ice 6 in. last night. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he spaded his garden, she helped us quilt, Mrs. Rennecker also came over, on a visit, & helped to quilt, so we finished it & took it out of the frames; sure pretty. Cotton Reifscheinder of Belleville, delivered our 2 heifers for $28.00 this afternoon; Papa went to Red Bud to Zipfel & got chic & laying mash. Uncle & Aunt & Rennecker had lunch here; eggs this afternoon 20¢. Mrs. Euler is over in E. St. Louis at St. Mary’s Hospital, she had a tooth pulled, & it never grew shut, must be some kind of a growth or cancer in her mouth, taken there last week, she had extry [sic – x-ray] taken at Red Bud, but they can’t do nothing for her. Mr. Eugene Bruns was removed home Sat, from Belleville hospital & is getting along fairly well. Jonny Henkel bought a seperator [sic], going out threshing this season with tractor. At the School Election, Sat out there Gus Blackburn, was elected director with 14 votes, Fred Reheis 1 Emil 1 vote. Cleveland term was expired. Aunt Mary sent two Easter Greeting, one to Mrs. Ros Winters at Kentucky & told them they were planning on visiting them this summer & also Frank Jermings at Shumay [sic] Ill; I guess they surely will be surprised!
Saturday, March 30, 1935
Papa got the deed all fixed up, for the land that he bought from Alice Brand for $15.00. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came about 10 o clock & papa went along with them to Okawville to Ben Kuhn’s sale. Raining all afternoon. Mr. Justin Zipfel brought us our baby chicks, $8.50 – 269 $22.65, all nice; he told us that Bill Vogt’s brooder house burned down Thurs morning, 270 chicks & everything; coal oil burner they had..they had just put the chicks in on Wed. night & 2:30 everything was allright, & when they woke up, it was burning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, came about 5 o’clock; the sale was postponed till Wed; to much rain, there also. So many people sick in bed with bad colds, fever, & headaches; especially the children of the Public School here, its one than the other. Eggs are 18¢ by Eichenseer’s this afternoon.
Monday, March 4, 1935
We washed, ironed, awful wind; made little garden. Henry & Albert Cleveland, were here for dinner, sewed oats, rained, after dinner, so they had to quite [sic – quit]. Mr. Stehl butcher of Smithon [sic] stopped here. They Daily Advocate man of Belleville, was here, to sell paper. Comes in on the bus, in the evening now. Mr. Zipfel of Lurlhs [?] Hatchery of Red Bud called over chicken this afternoon, put out 18, we have 106 layers now; Eggs are 19¢ today. Ed. Brand’s birthday.
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